Daniel King



3 years, 7 months ago



Name Daniel King
Pronouns He/Him
Age 25
Race Werewolf
Class Ranger
S.O. Demi
Theme Red Player

Daniel King was just your average small child werewolf. He lived with his brother Ezekiel and the rest of their pack. Hidden away in a home in deep woods they made a life together despite the desolate apocalypse around them. Daniel never thought he had to worry. Until he did.

One evening, when Daniel was eight a group of magical creature hunters had tracked them down to their small little home. Their goal was to eliminate every single one of them. Being the youngest in the pack none of the older skinwalkers, including his brother, wanted to stay and fight. They wanted him as far away from the fight as possible, even if it means that they would have to sacrifice everything in the process. So long as one member of their pack survived this event, it means that the hunters lost. Ezekiel and the others could live (or die) with that.

So Ezekiel led him far out as he could. But as his brother carried him a safe distance Daniel could see through the flames and chaos of what was once his home, a masked figure standing in the center of the carnage. When they were a safe distance away. Ezekiel took off his signature red hoodie and gave it to Daniel. He told Daniel to run and never stop running until he found a place that was safe. When Daniel asked how he would know. Ezekiel could do nothing but sadly smile and say, it will feel like home. Your instincts will tell you it is safe.

Before either could move an arrow flung through Ezekiel’s shoulder. With gritted teeth, Ezekiel (and Daniel with panicked eyes) turned to see The Masked Hunter readying another arrow. With that Ezekiel quickly turned and yelled for Dan to go and run as fast as the young wolf could run and never look back. Ezekiel tackling the Masked Hunter and the two falling quickly out of sight in their scuffle.

So Daniel ran, and that was the last time he saw them.

For the following years Daniel became a scavenger of sorts. Doing what he needed to do to survive the wasteland that had become the world. Hiding from those who would turn him into a fur coat. That is until Daniel was 13. Still growing the sweatshirt is a little large still but he doesn’t mind. To him it still smells like home. It reminds him of warm nights listening to his brother read, and races across the yard with the other pack and though a little embarrassing to admit his brother’s hugs.

While scavenging the remnants of a small mountain community (a little too tiny to actually be considered a town or perhaps time had almost completely desolated it. Daniel didn’t really know) an arrow barley missed him crazing across his cheek. In panic he looked in the direction it came from and found standing in the distance the Masked Hunter. Fear Paralyzed him for a brief moment as the hunter closed distance and slammed Daniel’s head into the ground (busting open his lip in the process). Daniel transformed into a wolf in order to wiggle his way out of the grip of the Hunter. When the Hunter tried to attack him again Daniel swung his claws at the male, scraping through the hood of the Hunter’s fabric and dug into the side of their head not covered by the mask. Though Daniel doesn’t realize in that moment and still doesn’t truly know today, he caused the hunter to lose an ear.

As the hunter cried out in pain Daniel used the distraction to run as fast as he could. Eventually switching back to human, trying to ignore his blood stained fingers. Though the Hunter tried to pursue, Daniel was able to lose him in a cave system in the mountain. Making it out the other side and disappearing from the Hunter’s radar once more.

Daniel is now 19 years old. He’s grown into the red sweatshirt that was once way too big. He hasn’t found that feeling of home, a place where he was safe. But once more he finds himself locked in battle with a small group of hunters. Daniel was grateful the masked one was not among them. Injured and maybe even terrified Daniel somehow manages to come out on top. As he stumbles to the ground, to catch his breath. An individual approached him, with a few others in tow. In a panic fearing the worst Daniel lashed out. The two got into a small scuffle before the mysterious person was able to calm him down and explain they weren’t there to hurt him, but to help.

Confused and but still on guard Daniel backed away from them letting go of the one he got in a scuffle with. Though he does fall back and sit on the ground exhausted. They began to explain. The first introduced himself as Edwin, a werewolf/vampire hybrid. Him and his “siblings” were traveling together. They were all magical creatures trying to hide out and figured strengths were better in numbers. The next to introduce himself was Damon, a vampire, Alison a fae being and then finally the two youngest, Silas and Selene, two selkies. Edwin offered for Daniel to come with them.

Daniel hesitated for a few moments, Daniel doesn’t want to, he doesn’t know if he should. He’s been nothing but a homeless orphan on the run. But when Edwin speaks to him and offers him off the ground something feels just right. Like his gut instinct is telling him this is what he needs to do.

So Daniel agrees and takes his hand. In that moment all these pieces suddenly seem to fit. The next few years they stay hidden, they scavenge and stay moving. Daniel finds himself growing close to each of them. Especially to Edwin. Who he found that he was slowly falling in love with his dear friend. Though Edwin is oblivious, Daniel kept his feelings quiet.

Daniel is now 22. To Daniel this was it, the stability he longed for, that feeling in his gut that told him that he was home. That they were his home. The safer he felt with them the closer trouble had come to him. The pack needed a short cut, there were rumors of dangers on the horizon if they followed the expected road ways. So Damon had come up with the idea to cut through a field with pockets of the magic radiation. So long as they stayed vigilant and careful, and didn’t stray from the river’s edge too far, they wouldn’t get caught in one. Though no one liked the idea, if it seemed like the safer option they should at least try.

It was on that path that Daniel’s nose caught a familiar scent. A dangerous smell that sent a shiver of his spine, and his hands trembled. It was the masked Hunter. Before Daniel could react something blew out of nowhere lodging itself into Damon’s shoulder who had been leading. Things descended into chaos quickly after that. The group began to run as fast as they could, per Daniel’s command. Daniel ran significantly slower than the rest. He knew the Hunter wanted him way more than the others. If he could buy them enough time, even just a few minutes for them to escape he would be willing to sacrifice anything for that.

His ears rang as he tried to at least catch sight of the masked hunter. Another body collided into his own sending both him and his attacker right into a pocket of magic. Almost immediately every cell in his body screamed in agony as his vision began to spin. Like his own blood was boiling from the inside out.

Daniel looked up to see the Masked Hunter standing above him weapon at the ready. Something large and Dark slammed into the hunter sending them spiraling off of Daniel. As Daniel scrambled to sit up, body shaking. He didn’t have the energy to get up to his feet just yet . He saw a familiar black wolf in front of him. Edwin. Edwin quickly shifted back helping him to his feet. Though Daniel didn’t hesitate to yell at Edwin for his stupidity in jumping into the magic field. They tried to quickly move out of there getting close to the edge, when another projectile lodged itself into Daniel’s leg.

Daniel’s attentioned turned back to the hunter who he noticed had pulled out a mysterious, glowing bottle. Daniel’s eyes widen before he turned, giving one large shove Edwin to cross the edge of the magic field and the shout of “run” barley leaves his throat when his world went white. Whatever had been in that bottle set off a much large chain reaction in the magic pocket.

Daniel’s body flung several feet into the river nearby, the river tossing him about and Daniel’s world went Dark. When Daniel’s world came back to him he was on the edge of a river bed, miles away from where everything had taken place. A miracle, thought it didn’t feel like it. He coughed up water. His body ached uncontrollably from the effects of the magic field. His lungs and chest felt heavy, he managed to catch a glimpse of his hands, the veins where before he could barely see were now far bolder and bright green, scaring his skin up his arm and had he chosen to trace them, wrapped around his heart. When the smallest bit of strength returns, he musters enough power to get up. To keep moving and to go back. Though the site of the field fills his heart with dread. There is no trace of his pack, especially Edwin. There is no trace of the Hunter. Just the smell of disaster and burning fills his nostrils.

Daniel is alone, scared and sad and suddenly feels so incredibly small. Like his hoodie doesn’t fit anymore. Now he wanders, unsure of where to go or what to next.
