


3 years, 11 months ago


officer hydrogen fluoride, they / them, t-rex, jan 22

a mild-mannered active researcher aboard the plesiosaur. fluoride likes to think they get along well with the rest of the crew, but they only have a truly close friendship with planetesimal. the two work together in active research & spend a lot of time outside of the actual ship collecting data & samples from the nebula they are stationed in. fluoride often goes out of their way to help those around them, though this doesn’t always win them any sort of respect from the… interesting collection of people they’ve found themself working with. they usually have strange or contradictory methods to completing tasks, but it works out for them, so nobody questions it too heavily. they’re scarily good with numbers, but they really only use this skill for their job; they prefer to relax with music or a book in their off time.

a few weeks into the mission, a small alien creature took up fluoride’s skull as its new shelter. they don’t mind this, & treat it a bit like a pet. it can sometimes be seen through their eye sockets, and it very occasionally leaves through the hole in their helmet for short periods of time. fluoride named it sulfur.

they can survive in space just fine without any sort of equipment, which is very useful considering their line of work. their current suit holds their body together, so they opt not to remove it. they do put other clothes on top of it in casual situations, usually nonsensical graphic tees.