


3 years, 7 months ago


Age 1st Gen
Gender Female (She/Her)
Race Feline Felruit
Orient. Lesbian
D.O.B content

Genny is a very creative person. She loves to draw, paint, and just create.

She can be very easily influenced and over think a lot.

She can be quite anxious but stays calm on the outside and is quite soft spoken.

Genny is a huge stoner. She prefers to smoke than drink.

  • Painting
  • Smoking
  • Winnie
  • Night time
  • Flannels
  • Cold weather
  • Vindicators
  • Rich People
  • Tiny foods
  • Long hair

Everyone who knows her knows her as Genny and no one really ever calls her Genevieve. It reminds her too much of her family and her past.

Genny grew up in one of the higher up vindicator families. She was their eldest daughter, destined to marry richer, and take their place. However, Genny is a far too anxious, empathetic, and easily guilted person to ever go through with anything her parents did. They continued to project onto her and ignore her obvious hatred for the position she was in and didn't bother to focus on her younger sister Tavvy who clearly had the confidence and knack for that sort of thing.

This started a rocky relationship of trying to balance love and jealousy between the two sisters. Tavvy wanted to be Genny because of the attention her parents gave her and Genny wanted to be Tavvy for her confidence and lack of attention from their parents, yet they loved eachother and were the only things keeping each other sane. One night at their first vindicator party the two found each other throwing up in neighboring stalls from nerves. They climbed to the roof for some fresh air, after a long talk Genny promised her sister "One day im gonna get out of here and take you with me. We'll be free."

Inevitably her parents were killed at the hands of the rebellion. The girls were left to decide if they'll take over their parents stat us or let it die with them. Genny was sad but not much more, sure she mourned their death but what hurt her most was seeing her sister so ditressed. She felt guilty because in reality she felt free, the weight was lifted off her shoulders, her parents never cared about her they only cared about money so why should she care? Genny tried to convince her sister to start over with her and leave this wretched place and join the rebellion. This started the biggest argument they would ever have. That night Genny left through her window bringing only her paints and left behind a mural of her and her sister.The mural Genny painted on the night of her escape stays standing in her sisters home along with her whole room. No one is allowed to enter that room.

Genny used to have long hair but cut it all off as an act of rebellion towards her parents who never let her touch her hair.

Genny currently lives on the outskirts of town pretty much in isolation with her girlfriend Winnie. She's now on the side of the rebellion after secretly rooting for them for years. She's very fearful of being noticed by anyone on the vindicator side so she stays on the down low and doesn't fight in any battles, instead she gathers stories of lynxes who were fed up with being treated like throw away trash and creates gorgeous murals on the sides of buildings as propaganda, her biggest motivataion being her sister Tavvy who is on the side of the rebellion. She hopes these murals find themselves in her brain, changing her mind.

Design Notes

  • Genny is 5'5
  • Genny has short hair and ram horns.
  • She has pretty big lynx feet
  • Her flavor is papaya

  • “Boiling Over”- The more upset Genny becomes the more poison her body creates. This poison causes Paralysis and if strong enough, death. The poison comes from her claws and teeth and her third eye must be open.
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