[Ancient/Single] Enceledus



3 years, 8 months ago


An Ancient tier Seraph.

I will write more of his info down later, but here's a couple real small points.

♦ He's an Ancient, there are a good few that keep the world of Cassiopeia in balance.  His powers work in tandum with another Ancient (whom he ironically hates working with), where one brings death and allows souls to pass on to the next life, the other (himself) gathers the left over essence of their souls and returns them safely to the skies where they belong, before they become tainted and intoxicate the area they were left in.  His magical range is wide and he has the ability to pop around with quick teleports (despite ignoring his duties a lot of the times and wasting this teleportation magic to bug the common folk)

♦ He uses illusionary magics a lot, and is adept in many powers much like the other Ancients do. While his primary magic is within the realm of the unliving, he seems to stray from this often and simply use his magic for whatever he feels like. In fact....despite him having a job to do, he seems to shirk his abilities quite often and needs to be hunted down and lectured for doing so. Even then he tends to ignore their pleas for him to do his job properly.

♦ Likes messing with anyone and everyone. When asked for help with anything by common folk he also tends to trick them into looking away so he can teleport out of there using his magic just to get out of any manual labor anyone might try to drop on him.

♦ Owns quite a nicely sized mansion within a small community (very small community, he hates being too surrounded in others). His home is like that of something you'd see royalty living in, and he even has a friend that lives within the mansion that takes care of it and keeps it tidy and...'safe' from intrusion, though it seems the later may not be so true, as this friend has a habit of inviting others in if they are looking for Enceledus as if they are ALL friends. Enceledus absolutely hates this trait but lives with it. 

♦ He is rarely ever found in his home, only seeming to return for small periods of time then leaving again. Perhaps to...avoid others?

♦ A rather laid back and somewhat jolly fellow, though he does get rather frustrated when followed and pestered to much. Though perhaps his seemingly jolly nature is due to him messing with others and getting a good chuckle out of it for the rest of the day.

♦ Powerful! But lazy. Too lazy to use his most powerful magics 90% of the time unless pushed to by his kin.

♦ Like ALL Ancients in this land, he is simply one of the oldest known 'Seraph' left over in the world from ages long past. They host more magical capabilities than other Seraphs, but really, they're a lot like the normal Seraphs these days too. They live normal lives and enjoy others company when they feel like they need some chatter. Some even find love in the world

Bonus fact - Likes tea and cakes. Also enjoys bitter fruits and fragrant foods of different sorts.   Not into spicy, OVERLY sweet or straight up disgustingly sour things. How can anyone drown their meals in one single flavor to the point you can't even taste the rest!?