


3 years, 7 months ago


This is Raccoon, the baby brother of Scrappy. Raccoon has the same powers as Scrappy, but less so. This means that he can do a lot less with them, and he doesn't have much control over the things he can do. When he gets particularly upset, black liquid runs from his eyes, and he has no idea how to make it stop. His teeth sometime grow sharper and he has no idea why. Ever since his big brother was taken away, everything has just seemed so much more scary. He doesn't know what to do. 

Luckily for Raccoon, his powers aren't nearly entertaining enough to make him a target of The Facility. He's odd, yes, but that's about it. Currently, he's a teenager with a bone to pick with the society that didn't seem to give a damn when his older brother went missing and just shrugged its shoulders when his mom cried and asked for someone, anyone, to bring her baby back to her. He likes Hot Topic and grunge and doesn't really get along with others. He portrays himself as emotionally numb, but will break down the second anyone shows the slightest bit of kindness to him. He does exceptionally well in school despite what everyone else thought, hoping that one day he can land himself a good job that'll help bring his brother back to him, whatever the cost.

Maybe, once Scrappy returns... he can finally let himself be happy again, and not feel guilt for feeling joy when his mother and sister cry themselves to sleep.