Liwei (03 | Lore)





Liwei is a wandering witch who hails from Liyue, and is from an illustrious family of mages within the nation. Although a wanderer, he has a mysterious connection to the divine, and has been in their presence for as long as he can remember. An unparalleled mage in Liyue, not many get to see the extent of his power as he purposely conceals his full potential.

— Description from Official Website

Official Introduction

The Wandering Witch of Heaven Sent Butterflies is such a lovely sort of person. He always comes home from his travels bringing new trinkets to give to his friends and family. Although, there is something amiss. If you have a keen eye, or a keen sixth sense, you will always sense that something is new about him every time we meet again. Teehee, I’m not telling what~

Hu Tao

A witch hailing from the Xunhua line of mages, Liwei comes from an incredibly colorful and well decorated background. He has enjoyed the prestige of being a part of Liyue high society since his birth, and due to a secret Yaksha Bloodline running through his veins, he has also enjoyed the blessing of not aging for decades. Liwei has had it all since birth, but to him, that is not enough.

He was born with a curiosity of the world and the secrets it hides from the regular humans in the day to day. He set out of Liyue because he believed that his calling was somewhere out there, beyond the means of which humans lived. He always traveled far and wide with grandiose goals: discovering hidden secrets left by dead gods, but he always remembers the little things: such as letters and gifts for home. Of course, he has to give back to the home that raised him and allowed him to be the way that he is.

Liwei has a strong sense of unveiling secrets with his intelligence and talents, and this also goes with the people he meets. He loves uncovering things about whatever— and whomever he comes across, if only to sate his desire for knowledge and to keep secrets safe with him. Whatever he unveils in for him and him alone, as others are bound to misunderstand his goals. His curiosity always gets the best of him, and almost always gets in the way of other smaller things he has to worry about: such as his own safety.

Well, such is the life of a wandering witch.

Character Stories

Character Details

The wandering witch of Liyue is a very well known figure among Liyue Society, a family member of the Kaiyang of the Liyue Qixing, a graduate of both Vahumana and Haravatat Darshans with the position of Dastur from Sumeru Akademiya, a former ritual dancer for the Adeptus-centered ceremonies in Liyue, ; indeed, Xun Liwei is an extraordinary individual. His position in life is well coveted by the regular citizen.

However; he discarded all these in pursuit of adventure and knowledge. To the normal person, this action was rather reckless and selfish, as one such as Liwei is willing to throw away his high position in life in exchange for a lowly one. Not even taking commissions, he would just spend his time idling in another land and getting to experience the world.

What people don’t know is that Liwei has a deep seated desire to find his calling. He does not care if his life becomes uncomfortable, for as long as he is met with thrills and a meaning for his existence. He likes to believe his direction in life is slowly reaching where he believes his calling is, and he is glad to find it.

Story 1

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.

Story 2

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.

Story 3

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.

Story 4

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.

Story 5

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.


Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.


Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.


  • Liwei is actually much more well connected than he lets on, even for a "wanderer".
  • As far as age goes, Liwei is actually much older than he looks and acts. This is not known by many, as he doesn't talk about himself very much. This is hinted when Liwei is revealed to be a very close associate of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and has been helping them with Adepti Funerals for "give or take around three decades."
  • Liwei has a certain reverence in the Adepti, as he grew up around numerous ones and owes them plenty for the luxury his family is blessed with. He takes his duties as a ritual dancer for the Adepti Funerals seriously, going as far as to cut his travels short and rush back to Liyue to help in their final rites.
  • Liwei can tell an Adeptus the moment he sees one, especially if they're in human form. Being around them so much also had honed his abilities in sensing their presence, and his bloodline have had very pleasant experiences with the Adepti. He's met numerous Adepti in his life at this point. He is also quite civil with Xiao.
  • Liwei puts magical markings on all of his belongings. Interestingly, these are not elemental, but actual bits of his own innate magic and energy. Elemental Sight will show butterflies rather than simple misty traces.
  • To others, Liwei travels with a companion. Most of the time, he travels alone. This is entirely untrue as his companion is always by his side, but simply invisible to most others unless they feel like showing themselves.
  • Liwei's magical feats are known throughout Liyue through his role as a ritual dancer for Adepti Funerals and Worship Rituals but outside of Liyue, he is simply known as a wandering butterfly.
  • Present or not, Liwei will always be the proprietor of Zhongli's wallet. He pesters him about it constantly, through his letters or other means.
  • It was expected for Liwei to gain a Vision, as it was very common in his bloodline to gain one. It would be more of a shock if he didn't get one.
Base by Erandia
Edits by Rengalia