pkmn - althea



3 years, 7 months ago


Species: human
Name: Althea Andal
Height: 6'0"
Favorite Types: psychic/dark
Gender: female (she/her)
Birth Date: october 2nd
Age: 23
Orientation: bisexual


Personality: Althea, being the scientist that she is, is very calm and rational. Not much can faze her, so much so that she becomes very emotionally detached from situations. She does not have much empathy and can be cold sometimes, although that doesn't mean she is mean-spirited. She just has trouble understanding others' intentions and can come off as harsh because of this. Once you do get to know her though, she can be fun to be around as she talks about her many theories and ideas. She can also be pretty caring, she likes to give her friends gifts that she makes herself (although.....her gifts can be faulty....).
She is very curious about how things work, so much so that she can get herself into danger because of it! Her pokemon are often the ones who have to prevent her from doing these dangerous things. Despite this reckless behavior, she is very smart. Her specialty is in astronomy, although she knows various things about many different subjects!  

Extra Notes: She has a prosthetic right hand, as she was born with a deformed hand.

Her eyes are a dark brown, but she rarely ever shows them. No one knows how she works with all of that hair in the way, but she makes it work.

Sun was the one who added the stars to the inside of her jacket! He thought it needed a little flair.

She has a soft spot for cute pokemon, even if she doesn't like to admit it.