Genny [Night At The Museum]



3 years, 8 months ago


Genny (pronounced 'Jenny'; short for Generic, as in Generic Astronaut) is a sweet little doll from the Air and Space Museum gift shop. It took him kind of a while to get sold due to a production error pegging him on the wrong side of the Space Race--he's got a Russian flag stitched into his arm!! Whoopsies >:P But when he was finally purchased, the kid left him at the museum by mistake. So when the Battle of the Smithsonian brings him and his fellow exhibits to life, he's fallen through the cracks, literally. His two new friends, a fast-talking fellow pilot and someone's beleaguered (and, um, handsome) dad, have to help him onto his feet. Of course he'll do whatever he can to return to favor! And if that involves distracting three scary guys (two of whom can get it) and letting them take him to their hot gayboy dreamboat boss? Well, that'd just be okay. :o) 

After the events of that night leave Genny short a boyfriend (Kahmunrah's fine don't worry about it), Larry is swayed by the emotion in his cute little plush face and decides to take him back to New York with everyone! Yay!!!! He strikes up a rapport with the gang pretty quickly, and it feels SO nice to be accepted by folks who are entirely unbothered by what he's always (you know, for the two days that he's been alive) felt was a major defect. Perhaps most touching of all is his newfound dynamic with Ahkmenrah, with whom he shares a bond over A) incurable attraction to the most exhausted man on planet earth, and B) a somewhat miserable stretch of time being confined to a dark space! Genny supposes they could also bond over having experiences with Kahmunrah, but um. He's not so sure it's a great idea to bring that one up.

surely you're all on the edge of your seats about this, so i will clarify: larry and kahmunrah are my formal, Official f/os for this franchise, but natm and its characters mean soooooo much to me that really i just want everyone in the main cast to toss me around like a hot potato. think of a character from night at the museum. genny has kissed them at LEAST once