Pallas Feyrith



7 years, 1 month ago


Pallas Feyrith

haughty . charming . vain . magic expert

Name Pallas Feyrith
Class Wizard
Age 120
DoB July 27
Gender Male (he/him)
Height 155cm
Race Drow Elf
Orientation Gay
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Sign Leo


Pallas is a rather arrogant drow wizard who focuses on honing his magic abilities and seeks out rare and unique spells. While his concieted nature can be off-putting, he does have the skills to back it up. Along with his natural affinity for magic as an elf, Pallas is always reading and searching for ways to expand his arcane arsenal with a bright passion. This passion allowed him to surpass his peers in his hometown, and once he reached adulthood, he decided to leave in pursuit of deeper magic knowledge. Pallas is only about as social as he needs to be, and uses people as a means-to-an-end rather than bothering to establish meaningful relationships. He's able to turn on a charming and good-natured facade to get what he wants, but once he's finished, becomes very sardonic and dismissive. He's very good at keeping up appearances, figuratively and literally. He's aware that being attractive can be enough to sway others, so he takes care of his looks diligently; something he enjoys doing anyway. He can't resist preening and checking himself when there's a mirror around.

Found as an infant in a strangely abandoned Drow village in an underground cave system, Pallas was brought to the nearby elven town of Silhoneas, where he was then adopted by an upper-class high elf couple. Although well-intentioned, his adoptive parents were not completely equipped for raising a child like Pallas in a society that does not think highly of the Drow race. They were also very involved in the community and local politics, leaving their parent-child interactions somewhat lacking. Pallas was often left in the care of nannies or, when he was old enough, early childhood academy tutors. It was as obvious to him as it was to other kids that he was different, and was treated as such by both kids and adults. Due to his parents' upper-class station, there was never any outright public hostility or physical violence (at least not from the adults), but the apathy and barely-masked distain throughout his childhood taught him very early on that he could only rely on himself. His deep curiousity for all things magical became a hunger for any magical knowledge he could get his hands on. Not bothered by friends or interpersonal drama, Pallas threw himself into his studies and quickly became the most proficeient magic-user in the academy. His coming-of-age saw him create his first magical artifact, his own wand. It was shortly after this that he found the academy had nothing left to teach him, and he set out on his own, leaving Silhoneas behind.


  • Looking good
  • Rare Magic
  • Animals
  • Fruits


  • Filth
  • Being outsmarted
  • Being interrupted
  • Sour foods


  • Reading
  • Collecting unique spells
  • Testing spells
  • Creating and selling magic items




He is right-handed.

There is a scar on the upper left side of his forehead; evidence from one of the few intances of violent bullying he endured as a child.

As a Drow, he is allergic to sunlight, but uses spells and enchantments to be able to go out in the daytime.

Likewise, his eyes are highly sensitive to light and he cannot see well in bright light.

Chews on his wand as a nervous habit, tries to make sure no one ever sees though.





An incubus demon summoned by Pallas, and is now contractually bound to. Extremely wary of this mysterious creature, Pallas still finds himself irresistably curious about him; his race and his magical abilities. Az is like no one he's ever encountered before and the more time they spend together, the more he finds that there's much more to this demon that he thought.


Renwick Elaroris


Renwick is one of the only people Pallas would ever consider a "friend" from his childhood. One of the few people to ever treat a young Pallas with genuine kindness, he's also the eldest son of the Count of Silhoneas, whose family has very close ties to the Feyrith family. Ren has returned to his hometown after many years away, only to find Pallas has already left.




Pallas appreciates and respects his parents more than any one else in his hometown. They are both highly accomplished magic-users with wealth and privilege that allowed him to survive where he otherwise might not have. Although they've never treated him as anything other than their own son, Pallas still felt that once his twin baby sisters were born, it was time for him to leave ad let them be a 'real' family.