


3 years, 6 months ago


Age 22
Gender non-binary (they/them)
Ethnicity ???
Orient. bisexual
D.O.B jan. 6

Guess does whatever they want. They have no remorse for the feelings of other people, and prefer to live in the moment and for themself rather than for others.

They are very extroverted, and like being the center of attention. They tend to surround themself with people that they know are afraid of them.

Guess likes to have fun and take names. If they don't like how someone looked at them, then they'll do something about it.

  • Burly men
  • Busty women
  • ???
  • ???
  • Introverts
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???

In a distant future, In an old city ravaged by gangs, there is one particular group called Acid Bath. They reign over the old slums of the city. The gang is led by Guess, a mysterious person who never shows their face.

Guess is one of the love interests in a visual novel called Riot Kid. When they appear in the real world, they announce that it must be some sort of hoax.

Design Notes

  • Guess always wears a mask; typically it's a cloth one but it's sometimes replaced by a gas mask.
  • They have two lobe piercings on each ear and a cartilage piercing on their right ear.
  • Their nails are painted black.
  • Their eyeliner is very bold and sharp, and they wear red eyeshadow.
  • They have three silver piercings around their belly button.

  • They are an ESTP.
  • They are 6'0".
  • It is assumed their natural hair color is brown.
  • Their background is unknown, but they appeared to be half white and half Japanese. This is not confirmed.
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