Aya Enomoto



3 years, 7 months ago


Aya is a very bubbly, very energetic, and very artistic young woman. She loves to express herself through different art forms. Whether it's painting, dancing, or singing. She's always moving in one way or another, but when she finds something that catches her eyes, she'll stop (often in the middle of talking someone's ears off) and just go admire it. (Most of the time it's flowers or a stranger's clothing.)

Mother is Japanese/French & Father is British

She grew up and still lives in London. But wants to make New York her home.


  • Aya loves to play the piano. She does it often as a constructive output for her emotions. So what she plays will often reflect her feelings at the time.
  • She dreams of going to New York, although has never been there.
  • Has a French-British accent but is good at imitating other accents.
  • Loves musicals of all kind and has a large DVD collection containing as many as she can get her hands on. 
  • Is often mistaken as an elf by children due to her ears being pointier than normal. (She usually plays along. To the embarrassment of the child's parent. But she thinks its all in good fun.)
  • Aya's guilty pleasure is shopping. (prefers thrift/second hand stores or at the mall with friends) Is often seen treating herself or her loved ones to some trinket or sweater or dress of some sort.

adopted from @Elemental-FA