


3 years, 11 months ago


Name: Morozen

Age: 37

Height: 7’8”

Job: Make a lot of babies. JK he’s an enforcer/fighter/hunter



+ Dependable +

Can always call on him for any kind of assistance. If he’s not training he’s available.

+ Jovial +

 The dark nature of his work and use of his skills necessitates that any moment he’s not killing something hes probably dorking around and living it up. At least if he wants to remain sane.

+ Extremely Capable +

 Has spent a disgusting amount of free time honing his skills and training his mind. In a kill or be killed New World, power and survival all depend on the tools you bring to the table.

- Always Challenging (sometimes literally) –

 Whether its testing his limits, stirring up a good fight, solving a problem, training… or all of those combined…. Morozen is often distracted or has blinders on. He can be relentless, unreasonable, or tactless in pursuing a single goal/line of thought. Rivals are sources of endless fun though.

- Can be aggressive/bullheaded – 

While in a good mood his energetic jovial nature is rather welcome in the community. When in a bad mood, that energy can quickly switch over to something much more dangerous. Aggression and Stubborn streaks are generally controlled, but have been seen to break free.

- Bad at taking criticism –

 He spends almost all of his time trying to hammer any faults or flaws out of himself. Considering it an eternal battle, his goal is to get rid of all his imperfections. Discovering new ones/or being made aware of new ones is frustrating and obviously means he’s failing in that endeavor. Holds a high bar for himself and doesn’t give himself any slack. ----


Morozen has spent the majority of his life in conflict with the Harpy tribes, and even though relationships have changed with the new laws in place he still has trouble adjusting. He is all for helping the Mountain Folk as much as possible though, and sees that the new shift will be better for everyone in the long run. It is for this reason that he has recently taken up a protective role as an enforcer, hoping to help himself and others overcome long rivalries to move towards progress. He now spends his days making sure that parties on both sides abide by the new laws laid down by Karis and the residents of Evergreen. (or are rendered incapable of breaking those laws in the future)

Fact and Tid Bits: 

Has proven himself a peerless knife fighter, and is always seeking to test himself. Veteran of 20+ years of conflict and raiding from external threats. To date he hasn’t found anything he cant kill….

Harpy was always… and will always be… his favorite food.

MMMmmm I guess we’ll just say it like it is. He has two dicks U . U;;;

Relationships: Outside of leadership roles, I am going to leave this open until I make some through actual rp of the character.

Oc Name & Relationship Status (ex. Reef - Best Friend) Comment on character

Family Tree: Morozen – (to be expanded on through conversation with other members) Grandparents Name(s) Parents Name(s) Characters Name - Sibling Name(s) | Spouses Name(s) Spouses Name(s) Children Name(s) Grand Child Name(s)


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