
This version of Sara is a character from my Tokimeki PokéLive! and Twinbee crossover AU!

In addition, this version of Sara is the only one who's also a child, since her other counterparts are older, in their young adult years!

Name:Sara Fujisaki Cerise.


Age:4-5 (Nijigasaki/Higashi/Harmonia Blair Saga), 7-8 (Hinagiku Saga).

Occupations:Pokémon Trainer, Student, School Idol.


Relatives:Shiori Fujisaki (adopted mother), Pastel Cerise (adopted mother), Mutsuki Takamagahara (adopted mother), Hajime Takami (Brother/Brother figure from another universe), unnamed mother and unnamed father.

Main Pokémon:Raichu (Alolan form).

Love Live!Attribute:Smile.


Not much is known of Sara's past, but we do know that around the time Hilda and Shizuku adopt Yoko and Tamaki and Chizuru adopt Elesis/Ellie, Shiori Fujisaki Cerise, Pastel Fujisaki Cerise and Mutsuki Fujisaki Cerise adopt Sara right after she turns 8, thus renaming her Sara Fujisaki Cerise in the process.

Like Yoko, Ellie and Margo, her close friends, Sara also goes to Hinagiku Elementary where she also becomes a School Idol as part of the Hinagiku Elementary School Idol Club.

Around the same time, Sara joins the Hinagiku Elementary Pokémon Trainer's Club with Yoko, Ellie and Margo along with Setsuna Yuki and Lillie Yuki helping her catch a Pikachu that she evolves into Alolan Raichu while on Alolan soil.

While she has the same cheerful and talkative personality that her friends as well as their older siblings do, Sara can be more curious to the point of asking questions on occasion.