Cassius's Comments

Hey! Just a question, who made the image with the frog that says so sorry, I think it's the second image in your folder? :> Thank you!

HI!!! Sorry I don't have them linked yet, I will put the link in when I get home from work, I just haven't been able to get around to it, but they are such an incredible artist. They go by Inkent Deathaster on Facebook but since they're a Russian (if I remember right) artist they only currently take payments through the website called boosty! I have used it with them before with success and no issues and can vouch that the artist is reliable. I just commissioned them again for another piece the other day!!!!

Oh, awesome! Thank you so so so much! Do they speak fluent English? I don't speak Russian and don't find Google Translate reliable often

Yes!! Their English is really good!! I don't speak Russian at all either. The website boosty will be in a different language when you first get on it let me know if you end up needing help with it, I figured it out before! You can pay on boosty with paypal so its still secure. I did a bit of research before using it. 

Thank you so much man, I really appreciate it