


3 years, 8 months ago


he/him . siren (alien) . adult (~45) . Sahasrara Guild

studious . ominous . boastful

renowned private investigator and college professor. Was once an actor for a popular sitcom when he was much younger, he doesn't like to bring that up in conversaton... But what he DOES like to bring up is his exstentive knowlegde on bugs, the paranormal, and psychology. His info-drops can be a bit... odd... sometimes threating. "Did you know Crickets are Cannibals? Fascinating isn't it?"

Has written many papers on many macabre subject matter. Which makes made him a popular professor for Avalon's universities. He prefers it anyway, he grew up here, and Avalon's atmosphere has always felt like home to him.

When it comes to his investigator duties, he's pretty silent on such matters. Never revealing who hires him and going about his work in the most nonchalant matter.

  • FAVORS: Fall Decor, Anthropods, Foggy Mornings, Cold Brew Coffee
  • SYMBOLIC: Blue & Grey, Cricket Sounds, White Smoke
    • Likes to put ice cubes into his coffee...
    • Lacks the fear of the skies that many Avalon & Elysium residents have. Seems he wasn't raised on that ideaology...
    • Doesn't like questions that get too personal, ask him about his life and he tends to flip the script and ask even more personal questions back.

OCCUPATION: Private Detective & Professor

BOON: "Getting to make your own hours is very nice."
BANE: "I despise the red tape involved."
SKILL: High Education


BOON: "The fog feels nice to walk through."
BANE: "I wish people weren't so supersitious..."
SKILL: Advanced Knowledge on Revenants

GUILD: Sahasrara

BOON: "Being around like minded peers is so relaxing."
BANE: "I am surrounded by like minded peers..."
SKILL: Charisma Boost