


3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info






God of Chaos


In his childhood, Ni'kana was often sent back and forth between the 'care' of Bellum and Aionisos. His training required such. To be a strong fighter was only half of it. He needed to know what he was up against and know all the ways to kill dragons. Such things were highly important for a living weapon.

When away from his mother he was able to sneak in moment of reading and used to have a fondness for books on adventure, wandering a vast open world, free to do whatever they wanted... That's the kind of life he wanted. But training was harsh and strict regardless as to who he was with, he couldn't be anything less than perfect, and he was even denied proper friends. Most he had was his attendant, but befriending a servant is clearly beneath gods.... At least that's what his parents told him... Eventually he was caught by Bellum when trying to read something completely unrelated to his purpose, the book was promptly burned and his training intensified..... Shortly after that his will was broken and he stopped trying to seek freedom, but he was never blindly obedient, merely cooperative and resentful.

While he would never act out against his parents, when he was old enough to be on his own, he quickly distanced himself from them and chose to make the rest of the world just as horrid as he had been treated. Chaos is a powerful force, and one that is not to be taken lightly. All would kneel before him, all would bend to his will... He just needed to become more powerful than any of them ever could dream of being.... he needed to become a TRUE GOD