


3 years, 8 months ago


  • Name Sosei "Amon" Meishi
  • Ethnicity Costal Northern Earth Kingdom
  • Job Revolutionary Activist
  • Sexuality Aromantic Queer
  • Alignment Lawful Neutral
  • Voiceclaim Lucien from Critical Role (Arc 2)

"Where force is necessary, there it must be applied boldly, decisively and completely."

Born in the year 158 AG, they were the only child of two born to a school instructor focusing on the natural sciences and a smallscale vineyard farmer. Like either of their parents, Sosei was not an earthbender but that was not much concern to them as they had become rather invested in the upcoming sport of boxing and increasing their personal collection of butterflies, so what if they couldn't bend like many of their peers?

They had little time to focus on the social problems between peers though, as at the dawn of their 16th birthday, Kuivara and her growing number of followers entered into their hometown, demanding that town hand over their able bodied adults to join in a protective service. Of course, the town was rather confused as there was no conflict within the region ever since the formation of a communal forum to handle over government processes after the fall of the Earth Queen. Of course, this did not go over well and soon the tone of the conversation shifted, if the communal leaders did not hand over their power willingly by the next morning, it would be taken with force. Kuivara followed her word. The community leaders were publically executed in the town square and rapidly people begun to be rounded up to be conscripted into service. This prompted Sosei to flee on the back of their hyena-elk mount with little more then personal items that they could hold in their messanger bag, knowing that there was no way that they would be able to confront the Earth Empire to save their parents.

Along with numerous other refugees, Sosei ended up eventually in the capital of the United Republic, but little help could be found as its social services were already stressed thin. This new normal did not last long, however, as the Earth Empire soon lead an attack on the city in the following weeks. While attempting to flee again, her mount lost balance trying to avoid falling rubble and tumbled off of the crumbling road onto the rocky shoreline down below. But amongst the stones that became their bed was something white that caught Sosei's eye. Being unable to move due to twisted ankle, however, they prompted Caeliae to go fetch the object, thinking it was possibly something they'd be able to sell later on. Or that was their plan until they realized it was the mask of someone they had only heard rumors about, the desceased Amon. It was cracked, but it was easily recognizable. Not knowing exactly why, they decided to hold onto the object. In the years that followed, this decision would grow to be the most impactful one that Sosei ever decided to make.

Now nearly a decade after the fall of the Earth Empire and their discovery of the mask, Sosei is determined to bring Kuvira and those who enabled her to justice under the guise of a resurrected revolutionary and no one, not even the fully realized Avatar, is going to stand in their way.


  • Caeliae (Their Hyena Elk Companion)
  • Raising Butterflies and Moths
  • Boxing and Other Forms of Hand to Hand Combat
  • Listening to Radio Plays
  • Antagonizing Opponents


  • Being Ordered Around
  • Kuivara and Her Sympathizers
  • The Hierarchs of the Current Systems (ex: Varrick Gobal Industries)
  • Cold Weather
  • Being Seperated from Caeliae

profile html by Hukiolukio