Oh I Love Them Sm!! Are They Up For Money Offer? And How Much Would They Be? :'0c

they are ! i'm not currently looking for money offers, but feel free to offer characters ! <3

Okie Thxs Sm for the Info! I Don't Have Anyone for Offer, Still a Cool Design Tho!! TvT <3

ofc ! <3

hey are they still character trade only?

yep, they are! ^v^

!!! about how much are you looking for?


Sorry for the late reply. I'm looking for about $20-25 worth for them

i’ll take them pm me your paypal 

3 Replies

what are you looking for for them?

i'm mainly looking for character trades

any characters in my ufo folders interest you? 

didn't see anyone, thanks for the offer tho <3

ah okay would you be open to money offers?

sorry, i only take characters at the moment. if you want i can ping you if they ever do go up for money offers! <3

2 Replies