


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Goddess of Mischief and fun, Trixy















Personality: Childish and playful, she does love her games. She can be very mischievous and even a bit untrustworthy, but really, she is a sweet girl that may be much lonelier than she'd ever, ever admit. She can bit a bit over excited and a bit much at times. in many ways she's not much more than a child, so many feelings are new to her, including the idea of liking someone

Bio: Bellatrix's magic does little against a persons physical body, though she is able to manipulate a persons mind and even possibly their soul depending on their state of mind. She can cause a person vivid delusions and make them think they are in great physical pain or pleasure, though once their delusion ends, there is no lingering physicial effect (however there may be a mental one) 

her powers are strictly Mental and emotional, she can fuck with your soul, your head, and your emotions but physically she can't really do much damage other than maybe making you go crazy and hurt yourself.

Bellatrix is a figure of boundless energy and irreverent charm, her presence a whirlwind of chaos and laughter that sweeps through the realms like a mischievous breeze. fueled by the unpredictable nature of the mortal world, Bellatrix embodies the spirit of mischief in all its forms

With her quick wit and silver tongue, Bellatrix delights in causing mayhem and mischief wherever she goes, her pranks and tricks bringing laughter and chaos to all who encounter her. She is revered by mortals and gods alike for cunning and creativity, her antics a source of amusement and frustration for those who fall victim to his schemes.

Though her intentions may sometimes be misunderstood, Bellatrix's heart is pure, her mischief born not out of malice, but out of a desire to bring joy and spontaneity to a world that often takes itself too seriously.She is a trickster at heart, her antics a playful reminder of the joy of living in the moment and embracing the unexpected twists and turns of life.

Despite hes reputation as a troublemaker, Bellatrix's mischief often serves a greater purpose. pranks and tricks challenging the status quo and pushing boundaries in ways that spark innovation and change. She is a catalyst for growth and transformation, her irreverent spirit inspiring others to embrace their own creativity and spontaneity.

Though she may wander the realms with no fixed abode, Bellatrix's presence is felt wherever laughter and mischief abound. An irrepressible spirit, a reminder of the beauty and joy that can be found in the unexpected and the unknown.

As the god of mischief, Bellatrix's legacy is written in the laughter and smiles of those who have been touched by her antics, her spirit a timeless reminder of the power of mischief to bring light and laughter to even the darkest of days. And though her pranks may sometimes be met with groans and eye rolls, there is no denying the joy and camaraderie that she brings to those who encounter her.