


3 years, 6 months ago


Name: Claude

Species: Robingu (Donkey/Cat/Dragonfly)

Gender: Male

Elemental alignment: Wind

Robingu info: A robingus life mainly revolves around finding feathers to add to their ear piece. The more feathers a robingu has collected the more "status" the robingu has. Avarage feather count is 2-3, feathers are very rare and hard to find. Having many feathers signals that the robingu has great strenght and/or are very wise. Robingus are born with an elemental alignemnt, they can use the power of their element to aid themselves and others during their travels in the search for feathers. Elemental powers do not show themselves until a robingu has reached a mature age. Upon finding out which element you were born with you are given a scrunchie/bracelet with the specific elements color. Each element has a unique color, this is so robingus can easily see which element others belongs to. In rare cases a robingu will be born with multiple elements, in these cases the scrunchie will have the base color of their strongest/main element and stripes for the secondary element as well as their third if they have one. Being born with 3 elements however is almost unheard of.
Robingus are the same size as cats. They are also able to fly.