
3 years, 7 months ago




name Diego
age 23
gender Male (He/Him)
height around 135cm
Species Red panda
birthday unknown
star sign unknown
occupation Gang leader

Digeo is usually a serious and a fearless leader of his gang from needing to look intimidating from his tiny body amongst the others.

But even though he may look cold and hard on the outside, deep inside he has good morals and goes around helping the weak and enjoys taking care of others.

Diego enjoys riding his bike around the city at night and hanging out with his fellow acquaintances

And though he's a gang member himself, Diego dislikes bloodshed (unless needed) and unjustness (usually in making deals and confronting)


  • Digeo is often mistaken a girl from his coloured eyelid/lashes as "makeup"
  • Though he is the leader of his gang, he is often taken as the "baby of the group" by his acquaintances
  • Diego's group is made out of a red panda, a skunk and a raccoon, which the 3 animals are known to be closely related.
  • Diego is the most agile amogst his group
Design Notes

  • Eyes/paws and sparkles around body glows in the dark!
  • Necklace and symbol on the bat is glow in the dark as well
  • The blue part on his eyes can be drawn with or without eyelashes!
  • Wings can move (yes those are wings on his back), tho they don't actually work
  • Tail has two different colours with dark stripes on

Diego is a red panda born and raised in the dark alleyways of the city, becoming a tiny fierce fighter in this cruel environment.

In around his teenage years, he met his acquaintances Zoe (TBA)and Ricky (TBA) which are also his gang members. They 3 together have a strong bond.

*His parents' current condition and habitat are currently unknown*
