
Birthday: October 13th 

She can control/talk to birds with her mind! 

She isn't really evil per se, but she was involved in a coup to shut down the circus. She thinks Nojoshi, "mismanages it by allowing these rats to slip through the cracks." She just wants a stronger leader who can see the mutiny in front of them. She figures with Nojoshi dead or imprisoned, a better leader will take his place. She doesn't like Tem much. He is very warm and she is very cold. Her emotions cloud her judgment and she falls prey to the same mistakes Nojoshi makes. While Nojoshi's love for Tem and the other circus members prevents him from seeing the utter betrayal about to unfold, Magpie's distaste for Nojoshi clouds her judgment and makes her unable Tenrec for who he truly is. 

Cue after fire scene.

Tem and Magpie are being taken away in the back of a truck to a detention center for magical beings:

Magpie screams at Tem for trying to stop her (she is more powerful than Tenrec and his thugs); she screams about how Nojoshi abuses Tem's inability to say no into getting him to do the heavy lifting (and how his respect for Nojoshi takes advantage of Tem's kindness) "You were nothing but kind to me-- you wouldn't even allow yourself to think about the consequences of that. That's what I don't like about you. Your kindness made you stupid and weak... just like Nojoshi. He let his love towards the entertainers cloud his thinking and made me do.......THIS. THIS is the consequence of a weak leader. You don't even seem remorseful now. Tell me then-did it pay to be careless-to be FOOLISH? You didn't even care when Nojoshi ordered you around... you just LET him. You didn't even think that he might just be using you. 

Tem responds remorsefully, "I still don't think this is my fault. You might think my kindness made me weak, but it was my greatest asset. It led me to some pretty strong people. Nojoshi, Charlie, Sphinx... even Tenrec, though arrogant and wicked, was strong."

Magpie: "Nojoshi was GULLIBLE." 

Tem: "Calm down, Magpie. There's no use fighting this anymore. There's no undoing what is done... and Nojoshi wasn't the only gullible person here. You were also naïve to trust Tenrec to not do something stupid like this."

Magpie: "Me?!?!? I was the gullible ONE HERE?"

Tem: "You let your feelings of distaste get the better of you; your anger made it difficult for you to see the entirety of Tenrec's wicked plot. Knowing you, you would have figured out his entire scheme before he'd even planned it. *Tem smiles because this is a joke*"

Magpie: That was a sorry excuse for a joke, but thanks. (Her face lightens at but thanks)"

Authors Note: It appears that Tenrec doesn't recognize loyalties, who'da guess?