Tobias Ashford



3 years, 6 months ago


Tobias Ashford



Whatever you've hidden away, whatever you've concealed behind closed doors, I will find it, and you will pay for your crimes.

Tobias Ashford
Full Name




wolf kemono


Jan 5

magic investigator




Artist — Song Name


closing cases
altruistic behavior
preserving people
those who are driven by their goals
"actions speak louder than words"


being kept in the dark
elitist behavior
those who use their status to control people
"all good things come to those who wait"


following leads
reading investigation notes
looking into past case files
watching press conferences
attending lectures from seasoned investigators
writing proposals


pale ivory
Skin tone

Body type

grey with white ends

left red, right grey






He has an earring on his left wolf ear and two piercings and a dangling earring on both his human ears.
He has a mole under his left eye.
He has a ring of scars around his neck.
His tail is jagged: [ x ].
His book and spirits are optional unless stated otherwise.

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Spirit summoning

He is able to summon spirits by using a bit of his blood. Then based on what he summoned would determine the requirements/payment necessary to have the summon follow his orders. However, there is none for low level spirits.

Magic book usage

His magic book contains incantations to summon high level spirits. He is able to summon low to mid level spirits without it.


Regardless of the spirit's level, the requirement/payment never involved harm to the user. However, majority of the high leveled spirits required a sacrifice of some kind. It doesn't always involve a life, sometimes a precious memory or powerful artifact is requested.

Self sacrifice

If the user sacrifices something of their own possession, the power/level granted to the spirit will exponentially rise. This is usually used as a last resort.

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During one of his family's final examinations, he was tasked with summoning a higher level spirit. The exchange for the summon was a young blood sacrifice which his family had provided an orphan that was on the streets. Tobias refused to sacrifice an innocent person's life and took on the payment himself. The scars on his neck were from that incident.

He is known to work overtime to the point of skipping meals and sleep until he found what he was looking for. Not even his boss has been able to stop him once he started.

He normally has low-leveled spirits around him. They are unable to harm or influence anyone. However, when he becomes agitated, they become more erratic and start to influence the surroundings.

There have been multiple instances where Tobias went against the higher-ups' orders to investigate on his own. Luckily, he has only been reprimanded as he had produced results all those times.

For personal investigation purposes, Tobias has gone undercover and disguised himself. One of his aliases is Tobi.



Tobias holds himself with confidence, able to command and take lead. His almost impeccable track record earned him respect and admiration from his colleagues. He's the kind of person to do what is necessary to accomplish his goal. However, he is known to become too engrossed and absorbed in his work to the point of near obsession. He gets especially uptight and agitated when the case involves the youth.

The Ashford Family

The Ashfords are known to produce summoners, whether it be beasts, demons, or other paranormal beings. But due to the instability of said powers, the teachings and trainings were strict. It was especially taxing on the younger generations as their powers were still developing. And for any who could not keep up with the family's standards, expectations, or mantra, they were immediately kicked out of the household, no exceptions.

Spirit Summoner

Tobias had the most trouble amongst his generation as his summons were spirits, which were known to be volatile and demanding. And as he grew older, the magnitude of his powers increased therefore, his education was taken more seriously and the bar was set higher. It took many trials and tribulations for him to gain control over his powers. He despised his family's methods and wanted to change them. But when he received the tome that belonged to his great grandmother, that was the start of his suspicions toward his family.

Searching for the Truth

Soon after reaching adulthood, Tobias joined the law enforcement as a means to rebel against his family. He knew that he'd have access to all sorts of hidden information and secret files. And like fate, he was put as the lead investigator on a string of related cases involving the kidnapping of young orphans. Although he could not exert much influence on the missions, he was able to figure out potential hideouts. And he had this feeling that the perpetrators were the key for his own search.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.