


7 years, 1 month ago


"It's called a literary device, you idiot."

Full name: Pendragon Rhydderch.

Meaning: Pendragon was a title given to ancient Welsh princes claiming supreme power. Rhydderch is a Welsh name meaning "reddish brown". 

Nicknames: None that he approves of. If you call him anything else, he'll flip. An annoying few have taken to calling him Penny.

Gender: Identifies using male pronouns. His true sex is unknown, but it is speculated that he was indeed born male.

Species: Pendragon is a Basilisk, one of the very few left of his kind. He himself is not a "king" as some may think, though he is close.

Age: Just shy of two thousand years old. Pendragon claims to have been hatched around 70 AD.

Sexuality: Unknown, even to Pendragon himself. He has little to no interest in romancing others, honestly.

World:  Travels between several dimensions, so he's not restricted to living in just one universe. The worlds he spends the most time in, however, are Safehaven and Cobblestone Abbey.

Physical Appearance: Pendragon is a beanpole of a man. Tall, lean, and lanky, he may look anorexic to the regular person. However, this is a typical, healthy build for his people, and so he brushes off any comments made about his stature. His hair, silver and well-kept, is usually slicked to the side. Two short horns protrude from the top of his skull, dark red in colour. His eyes are a bright shade of red, and his pupils are usually drawn into slits. Dark bags ring the undersides of his eyes. Decorating the area along the sides of his face, Pendragon has skin-coloured scales that are hardly noticeable unless viewed up close. His canines are longer than the average person; in fact, all of his teeth seem to have a bit of an edge to them. Contrary to popular belief, his tongue is not forked, although it's quite long.

      As for attire, Pendragon believes in dressing to the nines. He's never seen without a suit. His go-to suit is, as morbid as it may sound, a vest made of charcoal grey snakeskin. He usually pairs it with a light grey, button-up shirt, and a dark red tie. The pants almost match the vest in colour, though they are of a darker shade. His black loafers are constantly being shined - whether it's by his own hand of that of another. Pendragon will have nothing short of perfection.

      Though he much prefers his humanlike disguise, Pendragon still has the ability to shift back into his original form: a basilisk. Normally, he appears as a monstrous snake with scales the colour of silver. His scales are extremely tough; thought to be the equivalent of today's armored vehicles. Spines decorate the upper portion of his back. He retains some characters from his humanoid form, such as his eyes and the horns positioned about his eyes. But, unlike when he is "human", Pendragon's tongue is forked. His tail ends in a small arrowhead. It's also proven that he can shrink his size when he so pleases.

Personality: Ever posh, Pendragon believes in the finer things in life, such as jewelry and literature. Thus, he has little to no regard for those ranked below him, whether they are human or not. Only his physical possessions seem to have somewhat of an importance. Pendragon is also very prideful, and is especially pleased when comments are thrown his way. Speaking in a curt fashion, he doesn't even glance your way unless you've done or said something that has caught his attention. Many consider him to have well-rehearsed manners, though. Pendragon never forgets to thank someone, even if he does so in a way that holds only a little sincerity. 

      It may not seem like it outwardly, but Pendragon is extremely determined. Every situation he confronts is a challenge; or a chance to show just how much better he his than others, depending on his mood. No challenge is too large for him, as he'll complete it by any means necessary. He also tends to gloat after completing something, so most tend to avoid him at that point. During these times, Pendragon is great at keeping a level head.


