Ranulph (Taken)



7 years, 3 months ago


Born to a clan that reveres the Winter Spirit, Ranulph grew up always hearing stories. His clan believes that the Winter Spirit blessed his bloodline, which he is skeptical about, but that doesn't stop him from wishing to share the wonder that those stories brought to his childhood. Once he was old enough with enough self-defense training under his belt, Ranulph became the next Herald from his clan.

As a Herald, Ranulph travels from clan to clan, telling the wonderful tales he grew up on to groups of foals in order to give them wonder throughout the winter season. Due to this occupation he has come to adore being around the younger generations. Seeing their carefree natures and happy smiles bring him joy.

Enjoys traveling, especially in winter. The colder air reminds him of the mountains so he doesn't often get homesick. Though he has little wish to settle down back at his clan's home to continue the tradition.
Is Baltasar's cousin on their mothers' sides. Unfortunately the two have difficulties communicating after how harshly they took Urd's passing in their younger days.

Loves taking naps and snuggling, though usually won't admit it and might push himself to his limits before allowing others to coax him into relaxing.