Sherman Kennard



3 years, 6 months ago


Sherman Kai Kennard, AKA Gerbil

Born: 1941

Age: 17 (1958)

Height: 5'9

Orientation: Heterosexual, Demiromantic.

Sign: ??????

Sherman was dropped on his single father as a baby, as seems to be the theme with the Kennard family. His dad loved him dearly and raised him for most of his life.

His father is Jubil Kennard, a former police detective who was trying to take down south street and was framed for a bunch of shady shit, losing his job and forcing him to go into hiding. He left Sherman with Luke to keep him safe. They write back and forth.
He taught Sherman how to fight, so Sherman not only knows how to pin someone like a cop, but can break joints like branches.
Sends Sherman poppies and poppy seeds, their favorite flower. Even if he can’t send a note, he’ll send a flower to make sure Sherman knows he’s safe.

He's, by nature, very skittish, doesn’t like to fight, but can be very calm, serious, and collected. 
If you startle him, he will jump a good foot in the air and literally go ‘MEEP’

He speaks and reads both Welsh and different dialects of Swedish. Skånsk being one of them. He uses this to keep all of his documents pretty well unread.
He's continuing to hunt down South Street while his father is on the run.
He also now has a tattoo of the Golden Colubrid down his left arm, with a poppy in it's mouth.

Aaran is his roommate.

Wears a trenchcoat that’s been passed down from his grandfather. Each member seems to have a vice.

  • Smells like Whiskey from his dad, and cigarettes from his grandfather
  • His vice? Suckers.