


7 years, 3 months ago


"Quote or Something Here."

Merfolk ~ Sea Witch
13'7" - Mer Form


Despite living on an island of his own design almost cut off from the world, Vesper surprising leans towards being more of an extrovert then an introvert. If you met him on the street he could very well come off as pleasant, if not a bit of a charming individual. In general he appears to be an outgoing, calm individual that is typically slow to anger. There is however a more cunning mischievous to down right devious side lurking just under that usually presented pleasant demeanor. There is little that can make that side of the sea witch rise to the surface faster then being denied whatever he has set his sights on. While he more often then not goes with a "you catch more flies with honey" approach, there is little out there that will dissuade him from pursuing what he wants once he set his heart on it. Nor does he have any problem with getting his hands dirty or sinking to underhanded tactics to get what he wants. That said he can be quite willing to wait and bide his time to get his way if it suits him, time is hardly an issue for him.

Vesper has a fascination and appreciation for the unique and rare, especially among the natural and supernatural, finding a beauty in such things even when others might not. This has lead him to start a collection of  sorts, populating his island with rare or unique plants and creatures. Though his favorites by far are his islands more sentient residents from those he merely considers to being little more than possessions or playthings to those he actually considers close companions or even lovers.

Additional Appearance Info/Notes

Vesper has three main forms he commonly uses, his true mer form, human and another that is a mix that falls somewhere between the other two.

Mostly used when away from his island where blending into human society is needed, in human form Vesper has tanned skin, blond hair and amber eyes. His tattoos remain but become a faded brown in color with the normally light parts taking on a lighter shade the rest. The spiral and circular designs on his hips are completed at the bottom that other wise appear incomplete his in mer form. In addition the same tattoo pattern on his wrists also appear around his ankles.

The last form is one that is a mix between human and mer, though leans towards favoring his mer form, which is often the one he takes while on his island or when the full human charade isn't needed but ability to be able walk is. The color of his hair, eyes, skin and tattoos are that of his mer form along with also having finned ears and webbing between his fingers. All while having legs like of a humans though his toes are similarly webbed like his fingers. Like in his human form he has tattoos on his ankles with those tattoos on his hims having their complete patterns.

  • Tropical climates
  • Fruit & other sweet foods
  • When things go his way
  • His island
  • Adding to his collection
  • Very cold & dry climates
  • Fish or very spicy foods
  • Conned/double crossed
  • Being denied what he wants
  • Complete isolation
 Extra Facts
  • - Though willing to offer the service of his magical talents for those able to track him down for a price and salvaging from the odd wreck at the bottom of the ocean, the majority of his money comes from him taking advantage of opportunities that his own collection can provide. Seeing as he often has access to rare valuable plants and creatures that are highly sought after, he has taken to growing and breeding certain parts of his collection now and them for that very reason. This has allowed him to live a comfortable if not borderline luxurious lifestyle where he rarely lacks funds and allows for him to further expand upon his collection.
  • - He loves fruit but his favorite are strawberries, with a small portion of his greenhouse being set aside to grow several different varieties from common, hybrid to rarer ones. Even has been successful in getting his hands on a few not exactly available to the public to grow.

profile html by Hukiolukio / Tweaked by Realm