HeliX (HeliX (Alter))



5 years, 3 months ago


The other half of helixs two person system who, until recently, was the one most often in control.

he is much more standoffish than his counterpart, more rude and has a general sour attitude

(more detailed analysis coming soon)


-he cant cook, unlike his counterpart

-he is ambidexterous, though his handwriting is equally as bad as his counterpart

-he enjoys drawing but is incredibly embarrassed to admit it

-hes far less comfortable with physical contact than his counterpart, though he still wants it (from certain people)

-of the two of them, he is more masculine presenting and feeling

-he likes sweets, more for the texture since he cant really taste (he will eat icing straight from the tub if you let him)

-like his counterpart, he has a very weak alcohol tolerance and gets drunk incredibly easily

-hes much more childish than his counterpart and his interests are congruent with this

-suffers from frequent nightmares

-is not a morning person

-is incredibly competitive

-is just as possessive

-is autistic and has ocd

-he loves swimming and feels more at home in the water

-of the two of them, he is the one most affected by their shared trauma and his brutish standoffish personality is a direct product of the trauma the core endured

-rubs his hands together and taps his knuckles to stim

-his hyperfixations and special interests include: bugs, childrens shows, stuffed animals, rams/goats, fish, tattoos, fireflies, beetles, and the ocean