
3 years, 7 months ago




Owner:  armanie_zacharias
Name: Irena
Age: 7
Birthdate: date you wish here, if unsure leave blank and wiki team will assign
Upload Date: admin should put date here
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Female
Status: Single
Parents: none (adopt)
Cubs: N/A
Personality: Secretive,  not too friendly or trusting, more survival oriented than family oriented, can be selfish at times
History: Irena never truly knew her parents as she was bred in captivity and given to a chief's daughter as a gift. The daughter wasn't the nicest to Irena so she quickly developed a nasty temper. It wasnt until she ended up mauling the child for beating on her that it got her in trouble.  The chief was enraged and beat Irena within an inch of her life. He planned on killing her and skinning her to make into a coat for the cruel daughter, so she fled once she regained enough strength to run. She ran as far away as she could from that tribe so that they would never find her. However if she ever sees either the chief or the daughter again, she will kill them. 

She now spends her time hunting and honing her skills in preparation of that encounter.
Random facts: she swears a lot and has no filter. She also has a beautiful voice and sings to herself a lot.
Stats: STR – 7 | RES – 4 | WIS – 3 | CHA – 2 | DEX – 4
Traits: Ears: UC | Tails: UC | Fangs: UC | Size: C | Eyes: UC | Horns: N/A | Wings: N/A
Mutation: N/A
Special Base: N/A