Skylar -For Sale?'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

- My designs are only for personal use!! You may not use them commercially.

- Do NOT scam people with my designs. you will get instantly blacklisted publicly.

- Credit is not required(when casually drawing them if u feel me), but you may not claim you designed them. Credit should be added in the reference however. Please and thank you! <3

- YOU MUST HAVE A TOYHOUSE, credit me with PebbIe (with capital I), thank you. ( I don't have codes to give out, but i can help search for one if you need. ;; , hopefully i can get a subscription in the future so i can give out codes! )

- You can change anything!!

- If you redesign them, when reselling/trading/gifting you must include all versions(sibling designs too if you have made such)

- If gifted or traded they are void of all value(aka. you can't sell them for money, but can trade for art or characters, vouchers are ok too)!!! it would help to be noted and provided with evidence if a voucher trade takes place, thank you. *This rule however, does not apply to pieces you have commissioned of the character after you received them. This means that you CAN sell the character, but only for the amount a commission you bought costed. You may not sell them for the art pieces that was there to begin with or art that you have drawn of the character yourself. So take this into consideration before accepting! (if this one is hard to understand, feel free to ask me and ill try to explain it better)

- You may only sell at a higher price if they have extra art, which does not include art done by yourself but art commissioned from other artsits(This only counts if the character has never been *traded/gifted). I recommend logging the prices of the commissions you buy so it will be accurate/fair.

- If you pull my leg with bidding/offering/buying, or ghost me, you will be blacklisted(private list). This rule is not to be mean, but to make sure you thoroughly think it through before bidding/offering/buying from me. being on my priate list means you can still buy from me, i will just be wary of you. Don't take it personally, i don't think ill of you!

- I will never revoke a design, but if I find you breaking my t.o.s. once you will be blacklisted(private list), if you break them several times you will be publicly and permanently blacklisted.

Thank you for reading!