


9 years, 7 months ago



A tragic character, Tori works as a bartender in a strip club downtown where she tends to meet most of her romantic escapades. Plagued by terrible relationships, she has a knack at finding the wrong people for her, giving her a jaded view on connections with other people. Despite the negative view on love, Tori enjoys being a promiscuous creature and tends to get herself entangled with the legs and arms of others she finds marginally attractive. She loves tight clothing and anything that can show off her figure, wearing skimpy clothing around work to earn extra tips from patrons. She fakes a great extrovert and works her clients well, making earning money her primary goal in life. She stays on the side of independence but secretly loves to give in to someone else and have them take her reins for a while; giving in control is a pleasure she only allows a few. In her down time, Tori can be a sloth. She loves sleeping in and not much rises her; she has to set 5 alarms to wake herself up every day and even then she is usually late. She loves delicacies like fancy food and high fashion. In contrast with her seemingly bougie lifestyle, Tori has been known to sit on the couch an entire afternoon and watch trashy reality shows on tv in her pajamas holding a bucket of cheese balls.

  • guarded
  • promiscuous
  • manipulative
  • emotional
  • fruity cocktails
  • tight clothing
  • trash reality tv
  • sleeping

insert history here

  • It's difficult for Tori to express her emotions without getting worked up, causing her embarassment when she does express herself. She tends to hide most of her feelings as best she can, so when she does express them, her emotions can overwhelm her.
  • Tori is left handed.
  • She is a very stereotypically feminine creature and enjoys fashion, coloring her nails, nice clothes, etc.
  • She learned to strip from her coworkers and uses it to her advantage when she can.
  • Has a weakness for pinks, reds, sunset-esque colors.
  • Has thrown more than a few drinks at men who have pissed her off..


sexual interest
One of Tori's regular fwb scenerios, Czar and Tori have a long history from high school and have been intimate for a lengthy time. Neither of them feel enough in their relationship to push towards anything romantic, which seems to be an unspoken agreement to the two. Being friends, they confide in each other here and there about little things, but they wouldn't necessarily call each other close friends.


Character Name

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Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis.Aliquam erat volutpat.

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