


3 years, 7 months ago




Gender Femme
Pronouns She / Her
Age Late Stage Great War
Faction Autobot
Occupation Search & Rescue
Alt-Mode Rescue Helicopter


Secret Persevere Air Youthful


Windblast is the one to always take the risks needed to get the job done, no matter how big or small. She refuses to give up what she believes in, and once made, is a staunch friend for life. It takes a lot to get under her plating, but if you do, prepare for a reckoning because what you said or did probably deserves it. Windblast always tries to see the best in every situation and doesn't let life keep her down for long, but this can come off as superiority to others. She is oblivious to this, however, and has thus put some bots off of knowing her or getting too close. Her friends know the real femme, and that she would never put herself above another. All of this comes from being far too aware of her origins, having to take drastic steps her entire life to avoid being discovered and sent to the Stockades, and she will continue to do so until the very end.


In the ruins of Iacon City in the last century of the Great War, a Decepticon bunker was cranking out MTO soldiers using protoforms stolen from the Autobot's Cyber-Ninja Corps and modified with Decepticon coding and Autobot hologram technology. However, during the sparking of their latest round of fliers, the bunker was raided and the newly sparked soldiers left in the wasteland to defend themselves.

One protoform wandered alone, scared out of her mind and confused about everything. During a gap in the bombings, she came across two femmes searching for resources: Phara the medic, and Spanner the engineer. Realising that the young 'con wasn't going to attack them and needed shelter, the Conjunx Endura took her home and gave her a name: Windblast. Now amoungst friendly faces, Windblast conveyed her fears about fighting and being her own person, not wanting her life to be dictated by somebot else. Phara and Spanner eased her mind, telling her that the War was going to be won any cycle now and that afterwards, they would ensure she had a place on a peaceful Cybertron.

The couple kept their word and adopted Windblast as their own bitlet once the Decepticons were banished from the Autobot Commonwealth. They gave her upgrades that allowed her to hide her Decepticon modifications and repaired her to have a ground alt.mode, though Windblast never liked it and silently yearned for the freedom of the skies. In the million years following, Windblast kept a low profile within the Autobot ranks, most often assisting her mothers in whatever jobs they needed done in their sectors. However, this was not to last.

In the aftermath of Optimus Prime's repair crew going missing, Autobot Command - as ordered by Sentinel Prime - made the minimal effort to send search parties after the Orion in various space sectors. Windblast volunteered to join the team searching the outskirts of the Quintesson Pan Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere, hoping to fulfil her aerial wishes and find peace in her spark. On the journey, the ship was attacked by Quintesson scouts and most of the escape pods destroyed. Windblast, injured, careened through space until crashing through Earth's atomosphere, somewhere in Europe.

Stranded on this unknown planet by herself, Windblast scanned a helicopter vehicle mode and stayed in that form while her systems repaired themselves. This vehicle mode, however, happened to be a Rescue Helicopter used by the Search & Rescue Guard base she was hiding in. Unable to reveal herself to these aliens lest she risk her life without any backup, Windblast endured being used by these organics for as long as she needed to... Until she realised that more than enough time had passed for a full repair, and she actually quite liked these fleshy creatures that relied on her quick reflexes and speedy blades, and gave her the skies she'd wanted her whole life.

But now everything's changing. There are news reports coming from the other side of this planet talking about Autobot heroes, and Windblast may finally be able to go back home to her creators. Back to the stifling life on the ground, helping no one but herself, away from the humans she's come to love and respect. How can she choose one family over another?




  • When she's able, Windblast loves to fly around alone and perform tricks just to test herself.
  • Has become somewhat malnurished on Earth due to a diet of only gases and oils. Her T-Cog is rusted over and all her calibrators need replacing.
  • Is a terrible dancer, but loves to do it anyway. Preferably on her own.
  • Considered revealing herself to her human team a few times once news of the Autobots went viral, but didn't out of fear of being cast out of her new family.