


3 years, 8 months ago


warrior name is Lavender'smth if she gets put in a clan that requires only warrior names

Mother: Madeline- light gray molly with white speckles similar to Evelyn, and blue eyes
Father: Aristo- dark gray tom with a light gray neck, underbelly, and under-tail similar to Evelyn, with blue eyes
Grandmother (Madaline’s mother): Brigitta- solid dark gray molly with lavender eyes, which is where Evelyn takes from her own eyes

misses witheredgaze/sorrelbreath (skywatchers) :( 

voice claim is Emma Watson 

With ethereal beauty, Evelyn holds delicately entrancing features. Her irises are described to be as soft as the moon's light, tinted with a variety shades of gentle lavender, which rather pops out.  Her coat is rather complicated, to say at least, but even so, it's uniqueness is what makes her stand out of the crowd. With a base of a dark gray, he has sort of a smoky light gray color overlapping around her neck and chest, continuing down along her underbelly to the bottom stripe of her voluminous plume. Adding on, the same shade goes along her hind limbs. She has shimmers of the same light gray in a variety of shades, complimenting her simple dark gray coat. It goes along her plume, in which the dark gray shades brighten up to a lighter shade. With Evelyn's gentle and rounded compassionate face, it's outlined with very slight fadings of a light gray, as well as having a unique striped-appearance along her muzzle to the left side of her face.
Evelyn has a very feminine frame: dainty looking, a bit lean, and rather curvy. She likes to take good care of herself, keeping her hidden muscles in tact and up to beat. Sometimes, the molly is seen with some flowers in her coat, lavender purple ones most of the time. Another thing unique about Evelyn is about her scent. She has a comforting aura, with her scent being a soothing honey lavender.  Due to previous experiences, Evelyn holds a terrifying set of claw-mark scars along her lower back. Although, she is proud of it, and doesn't try to hide it from the world. 

Prim and proper, Evelyn is no stranger to kindness. Right off the bat, she is one to be undoubtedly motherly. It's easy to see that she is, considering her attractive and gentle looks. With a heart of gold, Evelyn has deep love and care for everyone in her clan, whether it be the kits, to elders, and even the leaders. She's one to stray away from rudeness and crude conversations, but a little teasing and joking here and there is one thing she tends to do, and doesn't mind at all. Evelyn is like your social butterfly, having no shame into doing some things in the public area, and even making the first move and approach someone. At some times, this molly can be quite the flirtatious one. She has a knack of calling others puppy names, such as 'dear', 'love', 'sweet', etc. She likes to give off compliments to others too, pretty much like flirting flirting. Even so, she respects everyone's boundaries. Evelyn knows the beauty in everyone, knowing each individual has their own unique personality and way of life. She likes to help others bring their true self out, discover how they are, and lead them down an everlasting joyful path of life. 

Evelyn received her set of scars one day while she was taking her best friend's kits, who are apprentices, out on a walk. She was out with the deputy, the father of the kits. One of the largest foxes ever seen then attacked, and their deputy ordered Evelyn to go rush the apprentices to safety, but she didn't listen. She couldn't just leave her deputy alone with a massive brute, who was five times the size of the deputy, who was pretty large for a cat. Telling the apprentices to run back to camp for back up, Evelyn comes to the deputy's aid. She leaps in front of him, and takes a killing blow meant for the deputy's throat. Luckily, it landed right along her spine on her lower back. She's known in her former clan for being a hero.