
3 years, 7 months ago



In nebula sector 13 there lives a dystopian futuristic world were lyocitras’s were created by a scientist trying to prove immortality. The start of his journey was triggered by the loss of his daughter from a terminal illness that took her away.

He practiced on bodies donated to science testinf out several different theories pouring over his work for years and years. His mind twisted and the image of being reborn turned into the image of a mechanical angel. The arms and legs were removed and not salvagable and replaced with mechanical parts. Wings and tails were added as well, to give this new species the upperhand.

Poorly made but survivable the first one was born, soon after there was a horrific realization. 80% of the reborn suffered from severe amnesia not recollecting their past lives at all. It was too late a large cooperation soon stole the scientists work and “dispatched” of him quickly and claimed the creation as their own for profit.

Thousands upon thousands in sector 13 became invested in this new solution to immortality, it became all the craze. Millions of dollars pre paid for a single slot to become a magnificent reborn angel, able to pick out your own features, legs, arms, tails, horns, wings, eyes. Within the first 3 years the cooperation soon realized just what the scientist had figured out. Due to not having him around the chances of severe to permanent amnesia steadily increased to 90%

With this complication in the reanimation process and no solution soon being able to turn into one of these beings became cheaper, open to those who died too soon, had a terminal ailment instead of just being born into the top 5% just to reinherit the profits you earned in your life.

Some lyocitras’s became workers of the army forced to fight because they died too soon and their contract didnt time out. Even death couldnt part some poor souls such as servants or military. Some even became pets for wealthy people who had other... uses in mind. Soon lyos were hunted for scraps and caught in the background to be sold off illegals as property.

In the modern times its now become a battle for equality, a resistance has begun. The reborn are ready for revolution.

Lore and species created by