


3 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


??? High level deity, an aspect of death.




???? O l d. Older than Jude old.

Unique properties:

Complete immortality- no matter what you do, he will always return. If his blood is spilled- crystallizes into a /deeply/ cursed ruby; his wings/horns/claws/teeth are made of this substance. Eyes appear stitched shut, but can open. Can take a variety of forms.


His true name is utterly unknown- he has had a variety over the ages, and currently seems to have adopted 'Gideon'.  He is perhaps the... counterpart to Jude, though technically he is of a higher rank and wider aspect. Jude, after all, is simply vengeance- a quick, often jealous impulse, but his domain does not inherently correspond to death. Gideon, however, is entirely an aspect of death- that of murder. More precisely: death inflicted by another living being (barring disease). 

So, y'know. Fun dude to have at parties.

He takes a rather pragmatic view of life on the whole, all things considered- while he has no great moral qualms with death or killing, he does despise wastefulness and senseless harm. Gideon has earned a reputation as a very aloof god, rarely ever responsive to any invocations. Really, it's more likely that he will seek out... 'devotees', and promptly, but kindly, tell them to knock it off, or at least think through their actions a little more. He encourages mercy and forgiveness (or at least, if one is truly hellbent on vengeance, to seek out the proper god for that domain), though he does understand that sometimes... well, it's live or die for some reason or another, be it starvation or a fight of some kind. 
