Lady Death Shepherd of Souls



3 years, 8 months ago


A character from my books

Lady Death is on of the Four most powerful gods. She rules over all things after their life is over. Those with souls get take to her domain those without are handed back to Life her opposite. She is the mother of Fear and Nightmare and is the one who punished them. Lady Death is kind hearted however her kindness is not something to take for granted, any and all who tamper with death face her wrath.  Under her is a council of reapers mortals from all across the world in charge of souls within a region these mortals have been given extended time in the mortal realm for as long as they choose. The source of this power is their weapon which matches that of Deaths. Her greatest achievement was what she called the great restructure. Long ago she learned mortals wouldn't accept that their life was over unless presented in a way they already felt true. This she created subsections of her domain to filter mortals based on their beliefs as to break the news in the softest way possible.