


3 years, 7 months ago


  • Aldebaran bin Sirius

  • alias Al, Baran, Debbie
  • Species Human
  • race Miran

Passionate • Daredevil • Hedonist • Unfettered • Boisterous


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna. Aliquam quis fringilla erat. Morbi sollicitudin id lorem eu efficitur. Mauris varius id magna vitae ullamcorper. In gravida libero consectetur, lobortis nisl sit amet, pellentesque ligula. Suspendisse tincidunt feugiat posuere. Duis dui erat, accumsan a aliquam eu, efficitur a tortor. Nunc molestie, leo in commodo aliquam, tellus augue tempor velit, non placerat ex sem non nisi.

Date of Birth April 8

Birth Title Fourth Prince of Mira

Hair Color Vibrant Auburn

Eye Color Dark Amber

Sex Male

Gender Cisgender

Orientation Hetero

Lifestyle Polygyny

Height 5'11

Expertise Speed

Build Meso-Ectomorph

Shape Rhomboid


  • Color - Red
  • Food - Pomegranates
  • Activity - Footrace
  • Animal - Sighthound
  • Plant - Egyptian Sacred Lotus


  • Color - Purple
  • Food - Onion
  • Activity - Sparring
  • Animal - Spider
  • Plant - Paperwhite Narcissus
MBTI ESFP-A - The Assertive Entertainer

Deity Shu - God of Air, Wind, Freedom

Enneagram True 7 - The Enthusiast

Sign Aries - Fire, Mars

Alignment Chaotic Good - The Rebel

Tarot Knight of Wands - Air of Fire

Other Dieties

  • Wepwawet - for Pharaoh's Scouts
  • Hathor - for Music, Dancing, Pleasure

Lesser Dieties

  • Qebui - for the North Wind
  • Shehbui - for the South Wind
  • Henkhisesui - for the East Wind
  • Hutchai - for the West Wind
Father Sirius

First Wife None

Mother Mira; formerly Nesset

Soul-Sewn None

Consecrated Child ___

Son of Sobek None

Brothers Antares, Rigel, Atair, Alpheratz

Daughter of Bastet None

Sisters ____, _____

Sister of Pakhet None


  • Son of Mira
  • Fourth of Sirius
  • Sanctified of Shu
  • Favored of Wepwawet
  • Voice of Abgal
  • Harbinger of the Sadim


  • N/A

HTML by Eggy

"Steady, Aldebaran. I haven't forgotten you! No. You are the swiftest, but you must be steady!"

- Sheik llderim in Ben Hur

"My swift fellow. You must not win the race the first time around. You win the last time around. And you cannot win alone... you must wait for the others."

- Judah Ben Hur in Ben Hur

"... and he whom thou goest to now is Aldebaran, the youngest of the brood, but none the worse of that--no, not he! Against the wind he will carry thee till it roar in thy ears like Akaba; and he will go where thou sayest, son of Arrius--ay, by the glory of Solomon!, he will take thee to the lion's jaws, if thou darest so much!"

- Ben Hur in Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ by Lew Wallace

"This one," he shook a rein over the back of the youngest of the four--"you called him Aldebaran, I believe--is the swiftest; in once round a stadium he would lead the others thrice his length."

- Ben Hur in Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ by Lew Wallace

"This one is thine," said the Arab. Ben-Hur looked, and, lo! it was Aldebaran, the swiftest and brightest of the sons of Mira..."

- Ben Hur and Arab Guide in Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ by Lew Wallace