Keylime (cyborg soda froggy)



Nickame: Lime
Age: 32
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she / her
Birthday: September 1st
Voice: n/a
Theme: n/a

Species: mechanical frog
Height: 4'7"
Orientation: pansexual
Occupation: mechanist
Home: earth
Closest friends: Delilah (sister), Phillip
Favorite Color: Keylime green
  • Coca-Cola
  • machinery
  • science
  • rainy days
  • cute aesthetic
  • ponds

Keylime is the self proclaimed Soda Pop Froggy, her head orbs she installed herself are filled with the soda Coke. Keylime is very small in size and fairly energetic, but not quite hyper. She talks really fast but there's always thought behind what she says. Growing up, Keylime has always had a passion for engineering and the sciences, to the point where her hyperfixation consumed her and she started experimenting on herself; this is how she got her headorbs forever installed (but that's okay, because she thinks they're cute!!)

Surprisingly Keylime was my very first froggy OC! Considering how much I love and appreciate frog charatcers, and considering how many I now have, it's strange to think about there being a time without them. Keylime is my mainest of frog OCs bc she also encompases my love for Coke lol.

  • too hot weather
  • too cold weather
  • failed experiments
  • illogical people
  • corruption
  • flat soda