


3 years, 6 months ago



Name Desta Delgato

Hero Name Velocity

Age 20

Gender Male

Pronouns He/They

Orientation Pansexual

Race Japanese/Caucasian

Quirk Big Bang

Sign Taurus

Alignment Neutral Good

Element Earth

Flower Daisy

Gemstone Diamond

Tarot The Hierophant

Theme Rebel

Value $70

Designer honeyfire

HTML Pinky


The middle child, often mistaken for being the youngest, Desta is the unlikely personality that takes his father's extremes to a new level entirely. With Izuku's keen intellect and the persistence of Kudo, his vaguely linked ancestors, it's not much of a surprise that he's the only child not interested in the hero life. Preferring to dig into the nitty gritty of science and busy away with research, he's the sole individual who has kept up the fight to understand the nature of Quirks. How they function, what can warp them, and most importantly, how they came about. But with the new war and the sudden demand of his frightening Quirk, it seems that the hero life has already wrapped its tendrils around Desta anyway.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Pessimist Optimist
Calm Irritable
Diligent Lazy
Messy Organized
Humorous Serious

Strong-willed like his momma and born with his father's thick skull, Desta's personality is a near-perfect fusion between that of his parents. Seeming to switch between acting like Izuku and Kalani at whim, as if he's separated them into each side. Though he's known for his calm demeanor, Desta harbors an unusually short temper, seemingly coming from nowhere. Even more infamous for his way of deflating and returning to his usual, quiet demeanor. If the situation benefits him, or he has taken an interest, he can be an incredible listener, capable of both lending an ear and sniffing out the small problems his friends may be having.


  • Sci-Fi
  • Quiet Days
  • Simple Clothing
  • Mystery Novels
  • Testing Theories


  • Neon Colors
  • Large Dogs
  • Trains
  • Too-tight Clothing
  • Chatty People


  • Puzzles
  • Gardening
  • Observing Change
  • Painting
  • identifying Plants


  • Intelligent
  • Good Listener
  • Forgiving
  • Observant
  • Loves Learning


  • Skeptical
  • Awkward
  • Short Temper
  • Tactless
  • Too Quiet


  • Injuring Others
  • Being wrong
  • Shame
  • Loss of control
  • Imperfection


Height 5'0"

Build Slender

Eyes Blue/Red

Hair Color Red/Blonde

Hair Style Short

Demeanor Reserved

  • Five strands of brown hair.
  • He wears white boots that give him an extra three inches of height.
  • His hands are scarred from an explosion.
  • Lab coat almost reaches to the bottom of his shorts.
















  • Balance
  • Quick Thinking
  • Crafty
  • Long Range Combat
  • Dynamic Quirk


  • Stealth
  • Self Doubt
  • Dangerous Quirk
  • Weaponry
  • Easily Injured


Rapid Fire

Desta stretches out a hand and wraps the other around one to three fingers, firing an explosion of matter through the funnel. This creates a concentrated blast of star-matter that acts as a bullet, which can be strong enough to pierce body armor, exploding upon impact. By supercharging it with timeslip, these bullets can practically jump through time, striking his target within milliseconds.

Blast Travel

Desta places his hands behind himself and creates explosions of stars to propel himself in a direction. This works both as a type of pseudo-flight and a distracting his target, as the matter rains down upon whoever is below.

Schwerer Smash

One of the most potent abilities in his library, Desta charges up an explosion of matter but does not allow it to release. This forces it to compile on top of itself until the matter superheats and becomes so extreme that it cannot be physically held onto any longer. With his last seconds of control, Desta releases the over-fueled attack in the direction of target in combination with the time effect of his right side. The attack results in an ear-splitting explosion of undefined matter that launches and scatters outward at the speed of light.


Desta centers his Quirk to generate within himself, gathering star-matter until it begins to physically consume him and topple in on itself, forcing his body to take on the appearance of a small, glowing star. In this state, Desta loses much of his control and moves sporadically, and involuntarily explodes the moment he makes contact with something solid. These concentrated blasts can be devastating, flattening entire buildings in the blink of an eye.

Time Condense

Near identical to Condense, Desta centers his Quirk to generate within himself, charging up the timeshift ability in his right side, as well as gathering star-matter on his left until it topples in on itself, forcing his body to take on the appearance of a small, glowing star. In combination with losing much of his control, time slows to a crawl from Desta's perspective, mseeming to move in slow motion until he finds his target. The following explosion occurs so suddenly that it sucks in everything within its radius, and can often be seen from space.



The beloved second child who gave his poor mother a run for her money, Desta was a surprise in more ways than one. The product of two perfectly fused pearls, he was born a chimera, with his right side bearing red hair and a blue eye, while the left carried blonde and a red eye, identical to his mother. From the moment he got his hands on a complex toy, Desta was taking it apart and reconstructing it, the only sign of his early fascination with how things worked. The science of things, what powered them, and how to recreate them. A heightened version of his parents' determination and curiosity. It wasn't difficult for his parents to realize what talents lay within him, but they never could have predicted that enrolling him in extra science courses would result in what it did.

Desta has been obsessed with the sciences from the moment he could grasp the concept. Busying himself with research and experiments and theories, never once relenting, even in his most tremendous failures. While his grades were average in most subjects, science and mathematics were where he excelled, and it should have come as no surprise that Deku's son would be such a star student, even from an early age. But the one thing that fueled Desta's curiosity was simple—his origin.

You see, Deku and Kalani had chosen to be open with their sons about how they came about. How their births were a surprise, but they were loved and adored as if they had been planned and expected. But Desta could never seem to take his mind off the concept of the pearls. How a Quirk could create his very existence, and why he had DNA traces from One For All predecessors. It didn't make any sense. Worse, those traces bore no explanation for the explosive nature of his Quirk. Nicknamed the Big Bang, Desta's Quirk is Half Exploding Star on his left and Half Timeslip on his right. All could be explained except for one thing. The explosions. And most of all, the inexplicably short temper that could only rival one person.

Katsuki Bakugo. But how?

Through his years of endless searching, studying, and research, Desta could not seem to explain it. He discovered that Quirks had originated from a disease caught by OFA and AFO's mother and initially led the charge when it came to fully understanding the function of Quirks. But he couldn't seem to understand this simple little thing. How?

In a well-meaning attempt to cheer up his older brother, Meridian had broken into eighteen-year-old Desta's lab to leave him a plate of his favorite desserts. Unintentionally knocking over a set of priceless vials in the process and spilling them on top of a piece of lab equipment, causing a short. It was only after Desta's outburst that he realized. The short had shifted the settings and increased the strength of the machine, locating something he had never seen before. A handful of hidden genes, too small to have been discovered before.

His presumed ancestry from Hikage Shinomori hadn't been that at all; in fact, he was 50% Katuski Bakugo's child. He was the half-son of his favorite hero but had little to no explanation of what had happened or why. Until this point, Katsuki had been a fun-sparing partner and taken on the role of Uncle, coming to visit every few weeks and riling up the kids, if only to bug Deku a little bit. And it's not that Katuski hadn't noticed the similarities; in fact, he'd found a lot of his own traits in the kid. But who in their right mind considers that they're the biological father of a child that they had no part in conceiving?

It was a quiet revelation that stumped Desta for weeks. He re-interviewed everyone from the final battle, double-checked their positions, and could not find a single reason for how it occurred. Katsuki and Izuku had both been knocked out of the sky together, true, but Kalani had grabbed Izuku, and Iida had snatched Katuski moments later. They were fifty yards apart during the blast; far beyond the radius of the Child Creation Quirk's reaches. No amount of research could unveil the answer.

Enter Dello. Quirk, Timewalker, an ability that allows the user to step through an illusion of time with his own two feet. While he could not directly impact the events of the past, Dello was able to use remnants of the battle to lead Desta into the past, bringing him right to where it all started.

And then they saw it. During the blast, an unknown timeline Quirk had also been in use, and for half a moment, a hole was torn between the fabrics of two realities. Their own, in which Kalani saved Deku, and a parallel one, where she saved Katsuki instead. A singular pearl had been crafted from this secondary reality and slipped through the temporary hole. Suddenly, Kalani's rough pregnancy made all the more sense; the reason she had fallen so ill was because Desta was torn between two timelines. The slight differences in his very being were recognized by her immune system as a threat.

Desta had his answer, but he quietly chose to keep this incredible discovery to himself. There was no point in sharing the information, not without wracking Katsuki with the guilt over having a son this entire time and potentially shaking his parents even more with this revelation. A decision further solidified by the sudden appearance of the Llivarine, an enemy species from an unknown planet, looking to steal and harvest Quirks for their own gain.

Initially, Desta had intended to stay out of the battle, but his brother Deimos provided such a convincing argument that he found himself partaking in the fight. Equipping his unnerving Quirk and using his science know-how to his advantage, aiming to surpass that of his ancestors, Dynamight included. Best at close-range combat and bringing incredible destruction to every battlefield he set foot on, it was no surprise that Katsuki became his unofficial mentor. Similar Quirks. Similar technique. Identical, unrelenting passion in fighting for what they believed was right. And oh, the media loved it.


  • Known to only him and his friends, Desta is the son of Moon Watcher, Deku and Dynamight.
  • The whites of his eyes are known to turn black while he's in the midst of a battle.
  • He is the smallest of his brothers.
  • His right side is allergic to beestings, while the left is not.
  • Similar to Shoto Todoroki, Desta is a chimera who is perfectly split down the middle.



Deimos [ older brother ]

Gentle-spoken and an easy listener, Deimos is every bit of the big-brother stereotype as he could be, lending an ear or a shoulder to cry on whenever Desta needs it and getting in his corner, even when it's unnecessary. As children, these two often got into trouble for sneaking out to the roof to look at the stars.


Meridian [ younger brother ]

The overwhelming little brother with good intentions, Meridian and Desta, either get along or fight like cats and dogs; there is no in-between for them. Where Desta is careful, Meridian is reckless, the pure opposite of him in every loveable way imaginable.


Kalani [ mother ]

Though one would expect a nineteen-year-old not to be such a momma's boy, that's exactly what Desta is; he's as hopelessly in love with the unknown as Kalani is and finds that she understands him better than most moms do. She can be blunt at times, but it's nothing Desta doesn't perfectly mirror, often going to her first in his times of stress.


Izuku [ father ]

Izuku is exactly where Desta gets a lot of his mannerisms from; there isn't a shred of doubt about it. Where most dads stereotypically play catch with their sons, Izuku and Desta bond best by hyper-analyzing the strategies of heroes and tearing apart their methods to reveal the intricate underbellies of hero fighting styles.


Katsuki [ father ]

Technically, Desta's biological father, Katsuki Bakugo, isn't aware of his genetic link to Desta, and it's intended to be kept that way. This left side of Desta's was born from a parallel universe in which Kalani chose to save Dynamight rather than Deku. It's not a piece of knowledge that could destroy his family, but Desta chooses to keep it to himself, finding that he quite enjoys the relationships he has now and sees no point in changing that for the sake of the truth.