


3 years, 8 months ago


NAMEGarth Jolene
⇾ meaning: fem version of joseph; "god will increase"
AGE: Young Adult 
SEX: (trans) Female 
SEXUALITY: Homosexual

SPECIES: Hellcoyote x Dog (50% Golden Retriever x 37.5% Hellhound x 12.5% Coyote)
HEIGHT: One Foot, Eleven Inches
WEIGHT: Forty Five Pounds
PACK: Tortuga
RANK: Sailor

Sassy ♣ Outgoing ♣ Loyal ♣ Angry ♣ Rude

Jolene comes off as a stereotype from Tortuga. She is sassy, argues easily, and can be rude to anyone and everyone. She is fiercely loyal to her birth pack and wants to prove she is the best. She loves her way of life and loves her family. Jolene is far from depressed, wanting to party all day and night, and content with the work she does. She is known to have a short fuse. Her anger issues are a thing her parents think she needs to work on, but she thinks it's fine. While she is not a gentle soul, she will help her family with simple tasks such as gardening or watching over pups.

SCARS: Ankles
BUILD: Thin and Tall
Jolene is a good mixture of her parents. She has floppy ears like Dixie, and legs that are long like Sunny's. Her fur is splotchy with purple, with softer pinks and whites. She carries some of the hellion traits in her blood, giving her a much longer tail, and long ears. Her nose is pink, as are her eyes. Her body type is vastly different from her parents, with her being more like a hound than a golden retriever or coyote, most likely coming from either distant family or her hellion blood. 

MOTHER: Dixie, Jane
FATHER: none
♚ ???

 Vor [m], Julies [m], Bloore [n], Jonah [m], Scylla [f], Richter [m], Monique [f]
MATE: ---
Jolene was born out of pure love between her parents. Dixie's pregnany had been a surprise to both herself and her wife, Sunny, but they welcomed their pup into life with open arms. She was born under the name Garth, but as soon as she could speak, it was obvious that she was not a boy. Dixie and the pup went over names, and together they settled on Jolene. Sunny loved the name as well. While Jolene was always playing and sparring with others her age, she was taught to be gentler by her mothers. With her mothers, she was set on a right path in life. 

While the pack was growing stronger after the rule of Raikov, Dixie put Jolene on a mission to leave the pack, and come back, to report on her findings of previous Tortuga memebers, mainly Rita, Shark, and Rum. 

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