Blood Orange Zircon



3 years, 7 months ago


Blood Orange Zircon



Gem Placement


Era Made

Era 3


Prosecution Attorney



MoHs Scale



Got via Trade

A rather egotistical Zircon, not entirely full of herself, but she takes a more stern approach to interactions, especially with gems of equal or lesser ranking than herself. She sees herself above the normal Zircon for the sole reason that she works under the grand legal director, Golden Jubilee Sulphur. However, she isn’t the sole Zircon who works under Golden, her “partner”, Pink Bow Zircon also works under Golden. However Blood Orange looks down greatly on her so-called work partner, since Pink Bow was a Zircon who wasn’t supposed to be created, since they were made outside the normal Pink Zircon vein among other things. Blood Orange herself formed alongside some other fruit themed Zircons, a notable one being Strawberry Jam Zircon who hasn’t been seen in the Empire for a while. With all that being said, Blood Orange is the prosecuting attorney of her set, winning each case without even an ounce of competition from Pink Bow.

I'll always get what I want, no matter what it takes.

- Blood Orange Zircon

The Sunrise Court


  • Working under Golden Jubilee Sulphur, the gem who manages all the Zircons, has given Blood Orange a massive ego trip.
  • Since her work circumstances are so different then other Zircons, Blood Orange’s court cases are vast, instead of focusing on one type of crime and more, Blood Orange takes cases with literally any type that might be left over.
  • Her veinmate, Strawberry Jam being missing is of little concern to her, she could care less.
  • Blood Orange is hoping more than anything to obtain a pearl, thinking it a final step in being recognized as a high ranked Zircon.