


3 years, 7 months ago


Name: Rayn Morana

Gender: Male

Age: physically 22, technically 3

Sexuality: asexual/demiromantic

Backstory: Rayn was made by his 'brother' and founder of Morana Labs, the young prodigy genius: Liv Morana. Rayn was fitted with special self learning AI programs, so he starts as a blank slate and slowly learns how to be as human-like as possible. Though there are many bugs within the system since he was homemade by one person (more or less). Liv's goal was to make a robot as humans possible to hopefully make science fiction real.

Description: Ears come off to expose the charging port and other connection ports. A small finger print scanner on the nape of his neck opens a back panel that gives way to the inside. His 'skin' is soft silicone that only goes about an inch deep and his hair is wig-like. The ears can echo-locate and hear extremely well and the tail can sense vibrations when touched to a wall or ground. The tail can also be used as a blunt weapon and for balance. His eyes have heat sensors. He has basic medical, political, and geographical knowledge.