
9 years, 1 month ago


"Don't you dare compare me to that hoity-toity snobby garbage!"
Age: 18
Gender: Male 
Sexuality: Anything so long as you don't ask him if he does it "doggy style" 
Species: Dog (Mutt)
Powers/Abilities: Nothing too special, just a strong sense of smell, better nightvision, and a bit stronger than the average person
Likes: Collecting cool collars, Sandwiches, Swearing, Pizza, Being scratched behind his left ear, Pretzels, Chasing pigeons, Whatever that thing you're about to eat is
Dislikes: People asking him if he's lost/a stray (because he is a stray), Baths, Rain, Dog puns, being scratched behind his right ear, Those douches who speed through crosswalks, Jess (his twin sister)


Though Jack is a stray, he would never refer to himself as such. In his eyes, strays are pathetic lost animals who will do anything to gain human attention and a home, including allowing themselves to become pets. Though Jack is a bit envious of the confort these dogs have, he finds more comfort in his freedom to do whatever the hell he pleases.


He has many collars that he collects, and if you look at the tags on them, you'll see that the front of all of them have his name on them, while the back all read "Property of Jack. If this animal is found, return to Jack, F*****." 


He has a bitter hatred/rivaly with his twin sister, Jess, and he is always trying to find a way to show everyone what she really is, though it never goes the way he wants.