
3 years, 7 months ago





Male (He/Him)








extro intro
real intui
logic feel
order hasty


  • Swords
  • Lucian's necklace
  • Rain
  • Foxes
  • Reading


  • Getting wet
  • Being alone
  • Circuses
  • Assholes
  • Thunder


  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content

"I'd rather not deal with stuck-up assholes today, thanks."

Serious Rude Loyal

Dax is a solitary person who wanders the world, afraid to settle in any one place. Once a forced member of a freakshow circus, he esaped with the help of his boyfriend Lucian. However, years later Lucian died and now Dax is once again on his own, running from the ghosts of his past.



Dax is a generally rude and unpleasant person to the random passerby. He says what he thinks, and doesn't care who he upsets. He constantly pushes people away, seemingly getting more aggressive the kinder people are to him. He seems to revel in solitude.

In truth, Dax despises being alone. He craves someone to be close to, someone to cry on and to trust. However, he is terrified of getting close to someone, only to lose them. He doesn't want to go through that again. If one is able to push past his thorny shell, they would find an emotional and vulnerable person who only wants someone he can trust.


When Dax was young, he was kidnapped and put into a freak show circus where he was treated like a beast. Many years later when he was 16, a 17 year old foxboy named Lucian was brought into the circus. Lucian kept talking to Dax, and though at first he was cold and pushed Lucian away, Dax eventually fell in love with him. He found out Lucian felt the same, and they dated in secret, away from the eyes of the circus owners. A year later, Lucian approached Dax with an escape plan, and within the month they were free, running as far away as they could. For 3 years, they lived in solitude and peace in a forest cabin near a small friendly village. Dax worked as a blacksmith and craftsman, while Lucian worked on the farms.

However, they could never run away from the past. One unassuming day, Lucian went to the village to buy food, while Dax stayed home working on a new sword. Suddenly, Lucian burst into the cabin in a panic, and said that they needed to pack up immediately. A bounty hunter hired by the circus was in town, and it turns out that they didn't want them back. They wanted them dead. Dax and Lucian tried to leave as quickly and quietly as they could, but it was too late. While trying to slip out the back window, an arrow pierced Lucian in the chest. With the last of his energy, Lucian demanded Dax to run, and handed him a necklace that Lucian never took off. He then ran straight at the bounty hunter, shooting the most powerful magic he could to delay them. Dax ran, and ran, and ran. He ran for what felt like an eternity. When he finally stopped, all was peaceful, but in his mind he couldn't get out the image of Lucian's shaky smile as he ran toward his death.

code by cati Dax_Chibi.png