




they/he . adult


withdrawn . shy . self-conscious

"Sorry, I didn't expect to see anyone here today..."


Species: spinxyn
Occupation: former model turned hermit
Curse: growth
Smell: dried roses, dust, old books
Residence: tbd
Worth: $87
Flower: wow rose maybe
Masterlist: click


  • turtlenecks
  • quiet
  • rain


  • the spotlight
  • their curse
  • content


Was once a fashion model in Savnic City who frequently participated in catwalks and lived an extravagant life. However, their fame got to their head and they acted more and more self-important and rude. They were cursed to teach them humility with a rose and thorns Growth curse-- showing that their obsession with beauty was causing them to hurt people. After this, they moved to live a solitary and quiet life in the woods. They are ashamed of their curse and try to hide it, unsuccessfully-- it's big and spiky. The few friends who did stick with them through it all as well as the new ones they're making think the curse looks dope and encourage them to go back to modeling, saying it's clear they learned their lesson, but they're too worried about getting sucked in and losing themself again (and have also become a very shy and withdrawn spinx who no longer likes the attention).

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