


7 years, 3 months ago


Nickname: The Annoying One, The Trickster
Age: 22
Gender: Male 
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 140lbs.
Sexual Orientation: Gay (seke)
Physique: slim with firm muscles from running away all the time
Tattoos/Piercings: 3 small studs of amethyst on his left ear, and a jasper ring on his left ear
Occupation: Wanted criminal (formally), Researcher/Free lancer
Abilities: Fire manipulation, illusions, able to see spirits
Likes: annoying people, playing tricks, eating sweet bread, sleeping during the day, star gazing, inventing new explosive potions
Dislikes: being told what to do, demanding, irritating, loud mouthed people, getting dirty, noisy people, discrimination, eating, needing to be awake during the day, cockroaches the fact he still has a bounty on him
          -Flirtatious: Conan will flirt with just about anything that has two legs and a great personality. He has standards but if he likes you he'll become quite clingy. 
          -Mischievous: he's a trickster, it's in his nature to play pranks and scheme but be never does it to hurt anyone. Mostly for fun since he's constantly bored and needs excitement to keep him from executing himself.
         -Intellectual: Very smart, Conan can memorize an entire book in under two hours and if he wasn't so lazy with it he could possibly be the smartest person in his species. Unfortunately he doesn't see the point in using his brain to help the world so he uses it to create new potions, invent new ways ho be annoying and an all around nuisance.
        -Loyal: Once he deems you as a friend he will go above and beyond to show how much the friendship means to him. When he finally settles down with a partner he won't even look at another person. He will never stray and if asked to choose between his friend or his teachers or king he will always choose his friend.
         -Sarcastic: Conan is very sarcastic and blunt when it comes to speaking his mind. If he doesn't like you he will tell you straight up he doesn't like you. 
Extras: Despite his physique, Conan is ridiculously stong and has never lost an arm wresting contest. He can also run really fast since he had to get away from people who want to turn him in for reward money. He also has low expectations and doesn't strive to be "amazing" or do tricks for attention. Conan also gets bored easily so don't be surprised if a snake finds it's way into your clothes.

Bio: (very short) Conan was always getting in trouble when he was a kid. He has a long track of pulling pranks and getting sent to rehabilitation with his teachers. When he was ten he stole a few prized jewels meant for a king and ended up having a bounty put out on him and it's still in effect. To protect his family Conan disappeared from his country and traveled around different areas. He met a lot of interesting characters along the way and even though he was ten, it wasn't unusual for young witches to be out and about. He spent most of his young adult life wondering the lands, dodging authorities and leaving a trail of mischief behind. Eventually he settled in a small cottage at the age of 19 but quickly grew bored of doing nothing. Conan started traveling again. Three years later he ended up in a small group of misfits much like himself and ended up staying a an inn where most travellers ended up when they needed a place to rest after a long journey.