


7 years, 3 months ago



TOMOYO   | F | 18          
  ✰ Glutton ✰ Student ✰ Moocher ✰ 
✰  Clingy | Persistent | Energetic | Cheerful | Shameless | Friendly | Playful | Creative

Tomoyo has a personality that somewhat resembles that of a clingy and hyper puppy. She tends to get excited over meeting new people and loves to mooch for junk food. The petite, puppy-like girl is usually found in a good mood and is almost always willing to talk anyone to death and despite not eating the healthiest of meals, she appears to be in good condition and high spirits. She's quite active and doesn't have too much difficulty in performing strenuous tasks too. 


Being more of the artsy type, Tomoyo is extremely passionate about music and the performing arts. She loves seeing and appreciating the work that others put out and creating art of her own as well. Wanting to pursue a career where she can exercise her creativity, Tomoyo desires to be a musician and singer- but she doesn't quite have the approval nor support of her family in that decision so her desire to please them keeps her from working towards her dream.

It's pretty difficult to annoy or embarrass Tomoyo as she's a real easygoing character. She isn't at all the type to give up on people. Even if they push her away, she'll still try to stick to them. She has a hard time letting people go as well and leaving others in the past is incredibly onerous for her. She grows attached very easily.







Tomoyo was raised as an only child in a relatively normal household. Her parents were both well respected and diligent people, both working hard to keep their daughter healthy and surrounded by good influences. Her father was a small business owner, running a successful pet shop and her mother worked as nurse up until Tomoyo was born. Her parents held high standards for her, wanting her to receive perfect marks in school and have her hold high, yet realistic goals- but Tomoyo was really more of a dreamer rather than a realist. 

As a small child, Tomoyo was loved by her mother and father, but affection wasn't given so freely. Hugs and kisses weren't something she received whenever she pleased, but more often when she had done something that was "worthy" of that type of attention like getting good reports in school or receiving an award. The Chiziwas wanted her to value their affection, but really it just made the little girl desperate for it. 


Tomoyo Chiziwa
✰ GENDERFemale
✰ BIRTHDATEApril 2nd
✰ STATUSShipped





✰ HAIR Wavy with lots of volume. It tends to get messy and knotted often and the color is similar to a strawberry blonde (?) 

✰ EYES They have an almond shape to them and are brown colored. Her eyelashes are pretty thick.

✰ MAKEUP She only really wears make up for events and parties and tends to keep it light.

✰ HEIGHT 156 cm | 5'1"

✰ WEIGHT 102 lbs | 46.2 kg

✰ BODY Even though she has a love for fatty foods, her figure remains slim. 

✰ OUTFITS [No reference yet sozz]








✰ Junk Food

✰ Knots In Her Hair

✰ Music

✰ Arguing

✰ Singing

✰ Peppers

✰ Theatre

✰ Overly Spicy Food

✰ Soft Colors

✰ Judgement 

✰ Skinship 

✰ Being Picked Up

✰ Being Spoiled

✰ Blood (Fear)

✰ Dirty Humor 

✰ Having To Dress Up 

✰ Animals




▷ Kasumi
 Friend Eventual crush "Kasumi's a really funny guy and he feeds me! I like him!"
Tomoyo finds Kasumi to be a pretty likable person because well, he's willing to give her food! Anyone who's willing to empty their wallet to feed her is someone to treasure, but she does actually enjoy spending time with him though and is usually put into a good mood when he's around.

Tomoyo finds almost anything that comes out of his mouth to be funny whether it's intended to be a joke or not, but sometimes she does wonder if some his "jokes" are actually jokes. She remains oblivious to his advances- but can't help but to wince at some of the things he says or does occasionally. He can say some pretty gross stuff after all...

She does usually just go to Kasumi to rid herself of hunger or to have a good time, but little by little she becomes more interested in getting to know him. She knows she's growing attached and hopes that Kasumi doesn't grow tired of her clingy butt. He's her funny food dispenser friend :^)) // will aDD ONn



✰ OCCUPATION Student | Pet store employee
✰ All her favorite movies are about dogs.

✰ Least favorite subject has always been math