


3 years, 7 months ago


Name: Witheredkit, Witheredpaw, Withereddream, WitheredStar

Age: 58 moons

Gender: She-cat

Rank: Leader

Clan: LostClan

Personality: Short tempered, Wise, Kind to those who deserve it, Somewhat aloof, Brave, Leaderly, Protective

Mate(s): Cinderbreeze (deceased)

Kits: ForgottenStar, Weepingshadow (Adopted), Echomoon (Adopted), Opalpaw (Adopted)

Clan Territory: LostClan currently lives in the center of the remains of an old abandoned twoleg mine, why the twolegs abandoned the mine is unknown what is known though is that the twolegs left large deposits of gems untouched and LostClan has taken to make sure none of the gems leave they're home due to the clan beleaving the sparking stone's to be a gift from StarClan.

Backstory: Witheredstar since she was a young kit known at the time as Witheredkit was thought to never atone to anything aside from becoming a warrior like all most every other kit, but Witheredstar proved her clanmates wrong. Once she became Witheredpaw she excelled at the tasks and traning her mentor Skyheart gave to her, one such task was to determine if she could sense when an impending cave in could happen and for quite some time Witheredpaw was unable to sense if a cave in was coming she tried every day with Skyheart until finally she was able to sense when a cave in was going to happen. But unfortunately this achievement came at the cost of Skyhearts life when Witheredpaw finally was able to sense an incoming cave in she sensed it a tad to late and didn't have enough time to get away so Skyheart jumped in and saved her while in the process was buried under the rubble. Witherpaw was devastated and since that day has blamed herself for Skyheart's death. Skyheart's death had changed Witheredpaw to were she was more standoffish and short tempered with some of her clanmates but deep down all she wanted was to protect her clanmates.

A few moon's after Skyheart's death Witheredpaw was made withereddream and for a while she was content with being just a warrior but soon LostClan's deputy at the time fell sick and passed away, it was then that Withereddream saw a new chance to protect her clan so she began to work extra hard in an effort for her leader to see that she was more than capable to be the clan's next deputy. A moon later LostClan's leader named Withereddream deputy and it was during Withereddream's time as deputy that she lost her right eye. It was during winter when one of LostClan's patrols came running back to camp with report's of a fox close to one of the northern tunnles into the clans home Withereddream rallied up several of her clanmates into a decent sized patrol to go drive the fox away, as they neared the northern tunnle entrance Withereddream and her clanmates came face to face with the fox and the battle began. Withereddream was at the forefront of the battle where she managed to leap onto the Fox's head the fox let out a yelp as it lifted it paw up and swatted at Withereddream in an effort to get her off it and it managed to land a blow on her which causes her to lose her right eye. The battle soon ends with Withereddream and a few other warrior's finally driving off the fox, but even thou the fox is gone Withereddream feels as if she's failed to protect her clanmates and at the same time she knows that she can't save them all.

After the battle with the fox Withereddream grows close to and eventually fall's in love with her clanmate named Cinderbreeze and the two have a kit together who they name Forgottenkit. It's during when Forgottenkit became Forgottenpaw that lostClans current leader and several others including Withereddream's mate Cinderbreeze pass away from green cough and Withereddream then becomes Witheredstar. A moon passes since Witheredstar becomes leader and Witheredstar has become very protective over her daughter and rather pushy towards her in an effort to make sure that if Witheredstar herself cant protect her then Forgottenpaw can protect herself on her own. Two more moon's pass and Forgottenpaw becomes Forgottensong, it's during this time that Witheredstar notices a change in her daughter Witheredstar tries to talk to her daughter but is only responded to in a standoffish manner, Witheredstar continues to try to talk to Forgottensong until one day during patrol Forgottensong simply doesn't return the clan searches for Forgottensong for days with no luck she is then assumed dead by the clan. Witheredstar knows that Forgottensong is still alive and that she most likely left because of her Witheredstar feels eternally regretful over this fact and wishes that she had been less protective and pushy over Forgottensong, then perhaps she'd be here with Witheredstar still. Witheredstar now sits outside of one of the entrances to LostClans home each day in hopes that she'll see Forgottensong coming back home. Some moon's after Forgottensong's disappearance WitheredStar adopts three kits two of which were found abandoned outside of one of the tunnels and one who was orphaned after her parents died of green cough, these three would later be known as Weepingshadow, Echomoon and Opalpaw.

Voiceclaim: Wynne- Dragon age origins