Yutaka Fujihara



7 years, 2 months ago


Boyfriend of Yuki Tokuyama

Age: 22

Wolf Demon

Ice and water affinity

Can change into a black wolf at will

Has sharp canine teeth

When he unleashes to full power, the sclera of his eyes turn black, his eyes turn a shinig gold, his nails grow to sharp claws, his hair turns a dark blue, and he had dark blue wolf ears and a tail

Way overly protective


Angers easily

Takes things way too serious/literal

Most think he doesn't have a sense of humor, but really only shows it around small children and Yuki

Always seems like he has a chip on his shoulder

When he and Yuki first met, he was sent to kill her and was ridiculously irritated that she fought defensively

Most of clan was wiped out by his older brother, but he is head of what's left 

Haaaaaaaaaaates Kinota, but has heart-to heart talks with him from time to time and does his best to tolerate him for Yuki's sake

Gets extremely annoyed by Pinecone, especially when she pulls on his clothes

-He often snarls and tells her he's going to eat her to get her to stop