Veteris Apocalypse



3 years, 8 months ago


  • Veteris Apocalypse

  • Age 27
  • Gender Female
  • Specie Shapeshifter
  • Breed Usually a Malamute/Aidi mix
  • theme

Kind • Happy • Fat • Fluffy



Veteris is my old sona that i changed not so long ago. I don't feel like parting with her still so she will stay like a secondary/comfort fursona for now. Veteris is my past self, when i was more positive, submissive and insecure, so she will represent that side of me usually. Veteris and Fenrir will interact a lot in future drawings in a way to talk to myself and meditate my actions and thoughts. Veteris is a shapeshifter, meaning she can take any animal form she wants. The dog form is her favorite form.


  • She likes to go out when is raining.
  • She likes to use masculine clothes. they are cool and comfy.
  • Eat a lot of meat.
  • She feels a lot of time tired.
  • She don't understand some jokes or sarcasm.
  • Her hearing is bad.
  • Talks yelling almost all the time, specially if she is angry or excited. She hear herself talking in a normal level.
  • Has a bad memory.
  • Sleeps a lot but never good enough.
  • Feels very tired after socialize.
  • Has polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Gender apathetic.
  • Needs time alone to recharge energy.
  • Don't mind being all day inside.
  • Very shy, its rare for her to say what she thinks.
  • Don't feel motivated to talk to strangers. Usually she needs to obligate herself to talk.
  • Usually gets scared when hearing ghost stories.
  • Lactose intolerant. She still eats food with cheese.
  • Likes to touch wounds. Likes to feel the pain.
  • She can said motivating things to her friends.
  • She is a good listener.
  • Swears a lot.
  • She ignores or deny her feelings a lot.
  • She thinks she don't deserve to be sad.
  • She can't understand herself.
  • Too emotional, can't control her emotions.
  • When she is angry or sad, she can say hurtful things. She doesn't think what she is saying until later.
  • Cry a lot.
  • Very impulsive taking decisions.
  • Loves to hug her friends.
  • Very clumsy, hit herself with things while moving.
  • Her mind is in the clouds a lot.
  • Gets a lot of sad and hurtful flashbacks when hearing or doing certain things.
  • Dissociate sometimes.
  • Worries a lot of other but not so much of herself.
  • She tries to pass a lot of time with her friends.
  • She has a lot of luck.
  • Swears a lot.
  • Can be sometimes toxic positivity.
  • She can be too innocent sometimes.
  • She usually is smiling.
  • Laughs a lot and very loud.
  • She forgives easily her friends.
  • She don't like to be in fights.
  • Le pega el pendejo mucho.

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."

height Anthro:1.68 meters Feral:90 cm

build Endomorph.

pronouns She/her.

demeanor Calm and playful

Nicknames Senpai, sempie

Alignment Neutral good

r.a. Demi-Panromantic

s.o. Asexual

Nationality Mexican

occupation Artist and animator

mbti INFP

Astral sign Aries

element Fire

chinese sign Dog


  • Rain
  • Winter
  • Hugs
  • Animals
  • Plants
  • Arizonas
  • Pats
  • Walk in the grass
  • Meat
  • Salty food
  • Watermelons
  • Videogames
  • Anime
  • Mangas
  • Fanfics
  • Shipping characters
  • Legendary creatures
  • Animation specially 2d


  • hot weather
  • Celery
  • Being angry
  • Being unmotivated
  • Being shy
  • Being criticized for her appearance.
  • Being ordered.
  • Someone yelling to her.

Ability Traits








Positive Traits








Negative Traits








Fenrir is a representation of myself as an animal so she doesn't have story, but i like to create AUs. In this worlds Fenrir personality can change a little or a lot and will have story.

Mad scientist AU

Fenrir is a scientist with a lot of potential, although her ideals are not well regarded. She believes humans are a plague that is killing the world, and the only thing that can save humanity is to be mixed with animals.She see animals as pure and simple beings, what the humans need to be balanced. Upon entering university, she decided to find a way to integrate animal genes into humans. After many sleepless nights and research, she managed to get very close to what she wants, but only theoretically. The school did not believe it was possible to create such hybrids and it would be a waste of resources to support their experiment. Without the support of the school, she made the decision to experiment on herself and the result was an achievement. She became a hybrid of a dog, taking on the total appearance of the animal, and its abilities and senses. Although maintaining human intelligence. The university was terrified by what Fenrir achieved and decided to ban her forever and notificate the government. Fenrir, not knowing what to do but wanting to advance in her experiments, created an underground laboratory in his family's old mansion. But she still needed to have patients to experiment with. Feeling desperate at not being able to get patients, she decided to start kidnapping people. Starting with Oliver Ward, who was mixed with a bird but was a failure. The guilt gnawed at her later and decided to get homeless people. Offering them a home and food, in exchange for being part of their experiments.She and the experiments lives without a problem in the mansion usually, but sometimes some hibrids decides to return to society and are trapped by the goverment.

Pacific rim AU

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue. Integer et diam eu massa faucibus molestie non vitae metus. Donec cursus lectus eros, in vestibulum sapien porta et. Aliquam ac est lorem. Etiam pulvinar laoreet augue, et faucibus ligula ornare quis. Pellentesque sed leo tincidunt, consectetur dui in, tincidunt nunc.



[ Future self ] Veteris sees Fenrir as a friend and protector. She was her successor.

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